Forum Thread
Geabril's dump of ideas
Forum-Index → Diaries → Geabril's dump of ideasIf you stumbled on this by accident or by visiting my art shop, the first thing I want to say is, hi I'm Geabril. My first post in this idea dump will be about Bunbunbee, a species I created over a year ago. They resemble a mix between a bee and a bunny.
How I created them:
Bunbunbees are the mix between the myth of the moon rabbit and, that famous Tumblr post by @leopharry of the bee constellation. The first two had a space theme because both of the original reference linked them to space stuff. Flufflebee (the name for a group/ colony of Bunbunbee) were made because of an emotional breakdown I had over my favorite show’s last episode and the fact I’ve been quarantined for over a month and a half at that point and had seen nor my friends nor my boyfriend. I was crying all night and I needed something to help me feel better. So I sat in my room, alone, with Steven universe music, and created my first successful attempt at a Bunbunbee, Comet. Then a few days later I made Meeti (Meteorite).

Life of a normal Bunbunbee:
Bunbunbee lives in space hives that are connected to a star. The need to feed the star and their colony by making space honey. Space honey is made by tears of sad creatures that felt better after a Bunbunbee helped them. Flufflebees (a group of Bunbunbee) can’t create enough tears by themself to make the amount of honey necessary for feeding themself or the star.

Sometimes, A Bunbunbee might feel a connection with a creature or human they help and might decide to never go back to their hive again. If that's the case, they become kind of a guardian angel for that person. Someone who is there when they aren't feeling like themself and listens to them.
Sometimes a Bunbunbee gets lost sometimes and can't find its way home. If that's the case, it's because the symbol on their body may have disappeared or never been there. They can erase them on purpose or by accident. Each hive has a different symbol. For now, only one hive is known and is represented by the following symbol. It is named the CherryStar Hive.

(More soon)