Dreamcatcher while on the floating rug with the other dragons,
amazed by the floating rug: "Wow... you're... this is really cool!
I've never seen an animus dragon before."
(Btw change of plans Dreamcatcher isn't afraid of animus dragons)
Dreamcatcher: "I wish I was born an animus... It would be wonderful
to have so much power!" *Sighs* "When my mother was still alive she
always told me to be thankful for the power that I do have: mind
reading... but i can't help wanting to be an animus... I would be
able to do so many things... *Sits up right, realizing she was
taking it a little too far about her personal issues* "Well
anyways... where are we headed?"
Frost: Because they are the CUTEST THINGS EVER AND YOU WILL NOT
Star: Yeah, she's obsessed with polar bears.
Autumn: REALLY obsessed.
Frost: Of course! I'm not a monster!
Dreamcatcher: "Ok, don't worry I won't harm the polar bears. I
don't really like the taste of them anyway... the water is really
cold here... is this where we are swimming?"