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Forum Thread

Item vs Pokemon

Forum-Index Discussion Item vs Pokemon
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 16:36 (3 Years ago)
I just found a Griseous Orb and wanted to get opinions on what people would rather receive. Would you rather get the Griseous Orb and use it to acquire Giratina yourself, or get Giratina through trade/auction? Also, what would someone pay for it? I'm still new to the way this site goes about things so any insight is most appreciated. <3
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 18:38 (3 Years ago)
I think probably the orb then when you use it you can get the egg dex if successful. I wouldn't know the price though maybe someone else can help :)