Forum Thread
Owl House RP (OPEN)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Owl House RP (OPEN)-Form-
Species: (If demon then what type)
Backstory: (optional)
Other: (sexuality, palisman, etc. also optional)
-No powerplaying or controlling other people’s characters
-Human characters are allowed! Have fun with it
-OCs only
-No NSFW or major gore
-Password is Hooty
-No one liners (when rping don’t make one sentence posts)
Species: Witch
Looks: Pale with bags under eyes from sleep deprivation, has long teal hair
Personality: Pretty antisocial with a major inferiority complex, once she gets to know you she’s still fairly quiet but has a dry and witty sense of humor
Age: First year at hexide
Track/Coven: Oracle Coven
Backstory: IDK, I’ll probably make it up as we go along
Password: I literally wrote the rules who needs passwords
Other: Is asexual, palisman is a superb-bird-of-paradise (look them up they’re really cool looking) named Gambit. Basically when Gambit’s not in staff form they look like a normal bird but when they’re on their staff they look like how superb-bird-of paradises look when they’re doing that mating dance thingie (pls look it up I’m bad at explaining things)
Species: Human
Looks: idk. She has a scarf that's pale yellow, she's got this saturated orange robe and... she's got jeans on. I personally don't like jeans and this character is based off me so I guess 9 year old self just wanted me to be thrown into a pit of acid.
Personality: Usually I discribe her as "_insert sister name here_ like" but since you have no idea what that is, there are some things one cannot explain.
Age: 9 I guess. 9/10.
Track/Coven: Whats thaat?
Backstory: Welll-
Password: Hooty
Other: She has a serious case of picking up random leaves on the ground and stuff like that (I do that too. You should see my PalPad titled "Bleep")
Species: (If demon then what type)witch
Looks: blonde hair in a low bun and a dark blue sweatshirt and black running shoes with a hiccup leg for her right foot and ocean blue eyes
Personality: sweet but will murder you in you touch her stuff and loves to read and draw
Track/Coven:beast keeping and plants and bard
Backstory: (optional)her parents emotionally and phically hurt her and her little brother is a piece of crap
Other: (sexuality, palisman, etc. also optional) Palisman is a turtle and their name is Taylor and she's never had cake or sweets and she can play the guitar.

Species: Biped Demon
Looks: here
Personality: he may look tough but is a big softie to animals and is shy , she has trouble talking to others and tough and cold
Age: 16
Track/Coven: Beast keeping/Illusion/Oracle
Backstory: (optional)
Password: Hooty be a king 👑
Other: pansexual, her pailsman is a Bourbon Crested Starling ( they are lovely ) who’s name is starkly, the wood is blackish grey and the Starling is white with yellow eyes, it has a scar on its chest from an accident long ago.
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