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My Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → My DiaryTitle: pleaase do somethaaaang (personal reminder)
please ignore this is for
personal reminder
I have restarted my (personal) project too many times already
I need to lock things down
plus my collabbbbbbbb
(have bout 2 year to finish personal project anyways but stiiiiiilllllll)
I have restarted my (personal) project too many times already
I need to lock things down
plus my collabbbbbbbb
(have bout 2 year to finish personal project anyways but stiiiiiilllllll)
I really hate saying this, but I just
really came to not enjoy this place as much as I used to.
I know people say the internet is bad for your mental health, but for me, its like home.
I really hate to say this, but here it feels like the opposite
People aren't rude, but I just really don't feel respected here
I know this place is for minors, but it really doesn't feel like it. Sure, there are some people out there, but not enough.
Might be leaving. Haven't decided. Barely have any friends here. There are like, 2 people I enjoy interacting on here (Don't wanna give names)
Sure, adults and teens might enjoy it here, but just maybe not minors. Maybe I'm actually mentally insane (although if a doctor said I am, I wouldn't be too surprised after what I think about most of my day (not gonna specify, but pretty mentally morbid stuff)).
Decide later. This place just isn't the most friendliest place for me. Or maybe someone agrees. Probably no one. I mean, I probably am really demented on the inside.Although apparently that's how
ADHD works.
If I do leave, I'll still be online sometimes. just not as much as I used to. Maybe just for some official art contest if there's any going on or for my notebook.
I know people say the internet is bad for your mental health, but for me, its like home.
I really hate to say this, but here it feels like the opposite
People aren't rude, but I just really don't feel respected here
I know this place is for minors, but it really doesn't feel like it. Sure, there are some people out there, but not enough.
Might be leaving. Haven't decided. Barely have any friends here. There are like, 2 people I enjoy interacting on here (Don't wanna give names)
Sure, adults and teens might enjoy it here, but just maybe not minors. Maybe I'm actually mentally insane (although if a doctor said I am, I wouldn't be too surprised after what I think about most of my day (not gonna specify, but pretty mentally morbid stuff)).
Decide later. This place just isn't the most friendliest place for me. Or maybe someone agrees. Probably no one. I mean, I probably am really demented on the inside.
If I do leave, I'll still be online sometimes. just not as much as I used to. Maybe just for some official art contest if there's any going on or for my notebook.
Title: INES 7
... cause I'm bored and this is the only non video game stuff I enjoy researching
Chermobyl accident (Soviet
Town: Pripyat
4 Reactor 1 involved with accident
Reactor 4 explosion cause of accident
Fukushima (Japan)
Town: Fukushima
6 reactors 4 involved with accident, one empty on fuel (thats a lot)
Reactors 1,2,3,4 involed with accident
Reactors 5 and 6 located a bit far from reactors 1,2,3,4
Chernobyl Nuclear Power staition shares similarities with the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, which got closed in 2009 to prevent the Chernobyl accident from happening again
only 2 accidents recorded a 7 on the INES
only 1 accident recorded a 6 on the INES (Kyshtym disaster/ also Soviet Union!) Level 7 accidents are more common than level 6 acidents...
Test gone wrong which caused the Chernobyl disaster
2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsnumai damged reators 1,2 and 3, explosion damaged reactor 4
Chernobyl currently decomissioning, maybe finnished? Started in 2016
Fukushima disaster cleanup currently happening, probably going to last 30-40 years
Pripyat completely abandoned, with a new city built (Slavutych) to replace Pripyat
People still inhabit the outskirts of Fukushima, with people still being forbidden to go near the Fukushim Nuclear plant
pictures of Pripyat looks cooler than pictures of Fukushima in my opinion
Town: Pripyat
4 Reactor 1 involved with accident
Reactor 4 explosion cause of accident
Fukushima (Japan)
Town: Fukushima
6 reactors 4 involved with accident, one empty on fuel (thats a lot)
Reactors 1,2,3,4 involed with accident
Reactors 5 and 6 located a bit far from reactors 1,2,3,4
Chernobyl Nuclear Power staition shares similarities with the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, which got closed in 2009 to prevent the Chernobyl accident from happening again
only 2 accidents recorded a 7 on the INES
only 1 accident recorded a 6 on the INES (Kyshtym disaster/ also Soviet Union!) Level 7 accidents are more common than level 6 acidents...
Test gone wrong which caused the Chernobyl disaster
2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsnumai damged reators 1,2 and 3, explosion damaged reactor 4
Chernobyl currently decomissioning, maybe finnished? Started in 2016
Fukushima disaster cleanup currently happening, probably going to last 30-40 years
Pripyat completely abandoned, with a new city built (Slavutych) to replace Pripyat
People still inhabit the outskirts of Fukushima, with people still being forbidden to go near the Fukushim Nuclear plant
pictures of Pripyat looks cooler than pictures of Fukushima in my opinion