Drew decided to go adventuring again. Leaving his dorm with his
egg, he wondered where to go. He somehow found himself at the water
dorms, and with hesitation knocked on a door. "Er... Hello?"
Umbreon is epic! Made by Wraitheon1! Made by Yoru! Made by NeverEndingStory! Made
by Umbreon 014! Made by Celestial!
Is it too late to make another character? Nickname~ Like I said
before, call me Moony. Appearance~ Tall, with long brown hair and
dark blue eyes. Pokémon type~ Dark. Pokémon gender~ Male. Pokémon
ability~ Inner Focus. Pokémon nature~ Docile. Character's name~
Lauren. Character's gender~ Female. Character's age~ 15.
Character's personality~ Moody, protective of those she cares
about, determined. Character's history~ When her younger brother
ran away from home 5 years ago, she ran off to find him. She never
truly gave up on finding him, but she decided to go to the Pokémon
Academy to learn about Pokémon and maybe even find her brother.
Password~ Arcanine. Other~ Student.
Umbreon is epic! Made by Wraitheon1! Made by Yoru! Made by NeverEndingStory! Made
by Umbreon 014! Made by Celestial!
Nickname: Wraith
Appearance: (made by me)
Pokémon Type you want: Dark (Umbreon)
Pokémon Gender Male
Pokémon Ability: Syncronize
Pokémon Nature: Carefull
Your character's name: Wraitheon (Wraith)
Your character's gender: Female
Your character's age: 16
Your characters personality: to be rp'd
Your characters history: to be rp'd
Password: Arcanine
Other: student
Visit my sprite shop or sprite academy :3 (Click the Banners)
Wraith: Please fill out the whole form (Not the Pokémon part
though, that's fine)
Moony: Accepted, you can have a Docile Vullaby, a Docile Poochyena,
a Docile Sneasel, or a Docile Houndour. You can also ask for more.