Forum Thread
The Official Mystery Key Trading Thread!
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Item Trades → The Official Mystery Key Trading Thread!have:
mystery key brown--------x7
mystery key green--------x3
mystery key gold----------x2
mystery key dark blue----x5
mystery key light blue----x4
mystery key purple--------x1
mystery key red------------x6
Gold Key
Green Key
Red Key
I'd like to trade for a box of each of those colors
//I have no luck ending up with boxes, so many keys OTL
Palpad me!
Dark Blue
Purple x2
Keys i am looking for
Light Blue
pls palpad me for offers
Title: My Boxes and Keys
I'm looking to buy any key or box at a fair price. I'll buy standard colors at 10k each, and we can negotiate about the specials.
If you have keys or boxes for sale or trade, please Pal Pad me! Please not, however, that I do not like trading away boxes or keys that I have only 1 of so please don't ask about those. Thanks!