I like food very much, but I've been unlucky. Over time, I stopped
tasting anything or could taste it, but very faintly. The disease
is called agueusia. I got it when I got stomatitis, which later
developed into stomatitis with glossitis. I have been struggling
with this condition for a long time and it is only recently that I
have started to taste much better than before. It's hard for me to
say what my favourite food is now, as I'm not completely cured.
Often, when I taste something, I immediately start to like it, as I
used to feel almost nothing when I tried it. I like citrus fruits
best as I taste them much more intensely than other fruits or other
foods. I find cbd very helpful in treating agueusia. Products
containing cbd like this one https://puremystics.com/ boost the taste buds
and food tastes better. I love Utah CBD Oil more then anything
else. It helps me a lot and subsequently, I believe it will help me