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Shadys dream collection

Forum-Index Diaries Shadys dream collection
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Sat, 27/02/2021 21:49 (4 Years ago)
Dreams are interesting, interesting things happen especially if you can remember exactly what happens. I like reading about others peoples dream maybe you do too so yeah i'll do my best to post here every morning

The shool day had finished and i was heading home when i remembered i had left my backpack at school so i hurried back. On the tennis couts were some students in the school bus (even though our school doesnt have a bus) and i told them to get off but ended up in the drivers seat. I drove around because i couldnt find the brakes and ended up crashing into a wall. My head banged against the glass and i cut my hands and forehead
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Sun, 28/02/2021 09:13 (4 Years ago)
A goose crashed into my house and i just left it and i went to the shop and thats all i remember
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Mon, 01/03/2021 09:47 (4 Years ago)
i killed someone and i was burying the body and people noticed the person had dies and they started investigating and they said it couldntve been me because i was a child
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Sun, 07/03/2021 10:17 (3 Years ago)
I burnt the whole of London and then ran away to canada
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Mon, 08/03/2021 10:09 (3 Years ago)
i was playing among us irl with four other friends in an abandoned warehouse and we sprayed ketchup everywhere and then my school headteacher came and told us to leave and we went to school where boris johnson and vladimir putin were and boris said that he now owns half of the uk and i didnt like that so i turned him into toast and ate him. i then remembered that at this time a missile was going to hit the area nearby so i told everyone and we all took some tennis rackets and ran to that area so that we could hit the missile but it didnt come because we were messing with the timeline and things can happen/not happen when you mess with timelines so then i went to open my own sandwhich cafe and squidward came in and kneeled down in front of me and said what a wonderful cook i was so i gave him a sandwhich and then i woke up
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Wed, 17/03/2021 21:43 (3 Years ago)
I sprayed mango juice on a tree and then tree caught fire which caused the whole austrailia to burn and then i went to buy some kiwis but i didnt have enough money so i bought a watermelon
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Sat, 20/03/2021 11:20 (3 Years ago)
I went to a hotel which was filled with peanut butter and peanut butter would fly through your window and you could eat all the peanut butter you wanted and then i got on a plane with no roof and i opened my mouth and ate lots and lots of peanut butter yea i really enjoyed that dream
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Sat, 27/03/2021 11:23 (3 Years ago)
The sun exploded and now you could travel to the sun and walk on it without getting burnt, the sun was just a big black burnt rock. The temperature in the solar system didnt change and it was all rather pleasant, if you went to the sun you had to bring a magnet with you so that if you jumped off the sun you could use the magnet so that it would pull you towards earth using earths gravity. Some friends and family came over so that we could celebrate the end of the sun.
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Sat, 03/04/2021 14:39 (3 Years ago)
Why do I keep getting run over by trains, its getting kind of annoying. Dying is also getting annoying but I seem to be aware that I cant die in my dreams and theres nothing to worry about, it feels like waking up but I dont actually wake up. I was at a hotel and some man in a suit walked up to me and he shot me and I got revived in the same place, I didnt want him to shoot me again so I told him that there were corn fields in california and he seemed to really want them so he left me alone
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Tue, 06/04/2021 07:41 (3 Years ago)
Me and my pokeheroes friends all met up in Legoland and we all had a good time then we went to a cafe to have some spaghetti for lunch
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Wed, 07/04/2021 11:57 (3 Years ago)
It was raining and I realised that my umbrella was rather small and old so I went to a nearby store to buy a new one. Before entering I shook it to stop it from dripping but it still did, just a little. A woman walked up to me, she looked like one of the news people on BBC news, she saw that my umbrella was dripping and this is how the conversation went:
"You think you own this place, you're probably the head girl at your school and you control everyone and everything, you don't, what do you have to say now?" she said
I was stunned, where was she getting this from, I certainly was nothing like what she described so I said "Nobody asked"
"You're as useful as potty for pooping in" she replied and walked away
I think she meant that I was inconvenient and unpleasant, which I most definitely wasn't. I bought my umbrella and walked to school for my piano lesson.
The country frequently experienced school kidnappings and children would be stolen, stripped of their identity and given away to entertain others, schools tried to protect the children because if they were kept in groups it would be safer than if they were left at home. If a missing child was found they were to be reported and the school would try to get the child back but most of the time they couldn't do anything because they didn't have the child's documents and in some cases the parents got kidnapped as well so it was hopeless.
I walked through the streets and saw members of my class and reported them to the school through my phone, it was on voicemail, I sighed, I wished I could save the poor student but I couldn't. I walked over to the benches to join my friends. Murders would happen occasionally and we watched as teachers carried away a child wrapped up in plastic so the scene wouldn't horrify the others.
This was an alternate universe of living hell
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Thu, 08/04/2021 09:26 (3 Years ago)
I decided to ride a taxi because I could but I didn't like that the taxi driver was driving very slow so i picked him up and put him in the passenger seat and drove the taxi my way but then the police caught me and put me under house arrest. I lived on my own and i had to make use of the ingredients I had because I couldn't go out to buy more so i had pancakes everyday and I could play video games whenever I wanted and being under house arrest seemed rather pleasant
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Sun, 11/04/2021 17:28 (3 Years ago)
A class of children was going on a school trip and i was a ghost who could possess them. The children had to do a small marathon and i picked the most unfit looking child, took possession of them and took them for a test ride to see how far they were physically capable of running. I made them come third in the marathon
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Tue, 13/04/2021 09:50 (3 Years ago)
Another dream about getting run over by a train, oof
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Wed, 14/04/2021 13:38 (3 Years ago)
I was going to have a look at a new school and it was very large and wooden. I spent the whole day walking around and looking at the interesting diplomas, awards, instruments and other interesting objects on the walls. It was 15:00 and the bell rang so it was time to go home and I couldn't find the way out, no matter which corridor I took or which way I turned I would always end up in the music department and there was no one to ask for help because everyone had already gone home so I found the reception and asked them for directions. They told me where to go and I finally left the school.
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Thu, 15/04/2021 09:42 (3 Years ago)
I found out that Mr Beast kidnaps children, puts them onto trains and forces them to work for him and he doesn't pay them and they live inside the train that they were kidnapped in
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Fri, 16/04/2021 09:39 (3 Years ago)
I was in school and I was walking down a corridor which had lots for abstract paintings on the wall, there was one with Whitty from a FNF mod and I had a friend on discord who would've liked to see it so I took a photo and told myself to send it to them later. I walked on and realised that I didn't have my bag so I went to my social skills teacher to ask her if she knew where to look and she said she was busy and she ignored me so I had to look around myself. I looked outside and in all the classrooms i had been in that day, I ended up on the muddy part of the playground where under a tree I saw the carcass of a bird that must've once been the size of a goose. I turned back and realised that I had been wearing my bag the whole time so I went home, on the way it started snowing really heavily and by the time I got home the roads were covered in mounds of snow.
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 09:45 (3 Years ago)
I was in Minecraft and some people were searching for me and I couldn't let them find me of I would be killed so I jumped into a pool of lava and stayed there for a few seconds before going into water to cool down and then I would go back into lava and hide. They eventually left and I went to my old school where I saw Adam Katz, the creator of Inanimate Insanity and we talked and had a good time and then we had to go say hello to the rest of the school and i saw my best friend who I don't see that often and I didn't manage to get Adams autograph though which is a shame. I then reappeared in Minecraft where I decided to get out of the lava and I went onto land and I realised I was on the dream SMP and there had been a war and everything was a mess so I just went to my small house
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Sun, 18/04/2021 11:36 (3 Years ago)
i wasnt there in the dream, there were a bunch of poeple who ive never met and i was like in spectator mode which is why i couldnt die and no body payed attention to me. These two people were in large space station, a woman and a man, the woman opened a door to reveal a small black hole which was somehow being kept under control, she talked about how she could use to destroy a planet and the man said that was a stupid idea and he needed the black hole to himself and he pushed the woman into it. The space station was near mars and in this world instead of it being mercury, venus, earth, mars and then the asteroid belt, there was another planet called Celeste inbetween mars and the asteroid belt. It was a rocky planet with a layer of ice under the rock, the temperature was like in Antarctica in the summer, it was harsh weather but it could be lived in. The man called out the rest of the people in the space station and they all watched him exit the space ship and walk on the planet. He then dies after a minute because he forgot that the planet didnt have oxygen. The space crew decides that without the man they should head back to earth and they did. I went to a playground and i saw my brother there, there were train rails and i watched him walk on them but i heard a train coming and shouted at him to get off but since i was still in spectator mode he couldnt hear me and he got run over by the train, i then woke up
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Tue, 20/04/2021 18:08 (3 Years ago)
Japanese socks, mouldy raspberrys and glass elevators
Greetings, the name's Shady
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day