here is the owner [a pokemon, of course] temple the
Solgilyph <---- temple
only order from my for sale box and when open [if you see a giga
you are lucky] and here are prices:
easy: 100 pd
medium: 400 pd
hard: 750 pd
rare: 1000 pd
special: 1500 pd
starter: 2000 pd
any giga: 4000 pd
any meg able: 4000 pd
event pokemon: 4500 pd
<---- me!
order form:
can i order a pokemon?
pokemon rarity:
pokemon you want and how many:
specific gender, nature e.c.t. [if multiple]:
<----- slyveonwish
tip jar
4000 pd, a everstone.
<---- my bud, froakielover1010
Hire form:
can i be hired?
what could you be best at?:
<----- beepbeepbirthdaymareep
current giga
None. <---- current giga
<----- Proffesor Rowan
current mega able
its galarian rapidash! <---- current mega able [note: same price
as gigas]
<----- carbohydrates
temples event distrubustions
our grand opening is being celebrated with winter ampharos!
can i order a pokemon?
username: Carbonhydrates
pokemon rarity: starter (the giga charizard pls)
extra tip [not pd and its opinial]: 1k
specific gender, nature e.c.t. [if multiple]: giga charizard pls
Those who know do not
speak. Those who speak do not know
order form:
can i order a pokemon?
pokemon rarity:Rare
pokemon you want and how many: Giga Eevee plz just 1.
tip:4k pd
specific gender, nature e.c.t. [if multiple]: any gender
can i be hired?
username: Cupcake2299
why: I have way too many pokemon and I don't want to get rid of
them by releasing them into the wild. Every pokemon deserves a
loving trainer
what could you be best at?: Breeding most pokemon I have [except
legendaries and genderless]. Also, all pokemon in my trade boxes
are up for sale.