Ozul was like the male version of his twin, although he has less
freckles, short, puffy hair that was more on the pink side. He
wears the same turtleneck but pink instead of red, and has
glistening, orange eyes. He wears blue jeans and orange-brown
The two were walking to the school on the hill, their wings
flapping lightly as they quietly spoke.
Xatina flounced up the hill, a little smirk on her face. She
couldn't belive she was going to school. Xatina had always thought
that by now, she'd be on top of the Underworld, ruling like she
should. But Xatina supposed that for now, she should listen to the
higher ups and go to this silly little school. She'd decive and
trick her way out of any problem she'd face, and get this whole
school thing out of the way. She giggled a little at the thought.
Her arms swinging at her sides, Xatina continued her skip, hissing
a little when the sun touched her unnaturally pale skin. Her forked
tounge flicked out once as she wrapped her hands around her arms,
dodging the sun's rays and hiding in the shade of a nearby tree to
recover from this. Once she was ready, she continued up the hill.
She barely took notice of the others, though she did glance their
way once. Were these her..what was the word, "Classmates?" Oh well,
as long as they didn't get in her way she didn't care.
As Jesse came through the forest, he saw a group of a few people
all solemnly walking and discussing things as they went. As Jesse
started a jog, he went to catch up with the others. "Hey" he said
as he reached them.
That's for those of you who are rping with me