Forum Thread
Emera Town Safari Zone
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Emera Town Safari ZoneThe suggestion is this, outside of Emera Town, we have the Safari Zone, where we can lure and catch Pokemon. I am working on concept art myself, though I am open to suggestions and submissions as well (that I can add here)
So far, I have the following drawn (put in spoiler tags for your convenience).
Now, we already know what to do with the honey tree on Route 53.
Since some people in fact do NOT seem to know what to do here...
You rub honey on the tree.
Here, you can capture several bug Pokemon, such as Wurmple and Heracross, and a few others like seedot and Aipom.
The difference between this and the forest is that in the forest, you will be looking for birds. It is a TALL forest, so that the birds can have nests and suchlike.
So, for the other areas, I will put the ideas I have so far...
Tall Forest
Here, you can capture bird Pokemon!
You use the item Sweet Sap to attract the bird pokemon that are available here.
The available Pokemon would most likely be Pidgey, Spearow, HootHoot (at night), Taillow, Starly, Pidove, etc. (the common birds from each gen.)
Dark Cave
Here, you can capture rock and cave Pokemon!
Using the item Rock Candy you attract the rock Pokemon.
The available pokemon here would include Geodude, Zubat, Diglett, Lunatone, Solrock, etc.
Haunted Tower
Here, we can capture Ghost Pokemon!
This location utilizes the item Haunted Bones.
Here, you can find Gastly, Sableye, Misdreavus, Pumpkaboo, etc.
Deep Pond
Water Pokemon are found here!
You use the item Lure to attract Pokemon.
Here, you can capture Magikarp, Tentacool, Goldeen, Polywag, Feebas, etc.
Poke Plain
Here you can capture the Pokemon you find when wandering the grass in the games.
You use either Honey, Sweet Sap, or both.
The Pokemon you can find here include Nindoran, Rattata, Deering, Sentret, Bidoof, etc.
Other possible places not in the sketch:
Sweltering Volcano
Here we can find fire Pokemon!
We attract these Pokemon with Hot Sauce.
The Pokemon you can find here include Ponyta, Growlithe, Vulpix, Magby, Numel, Heatmor, etc.
I am working on a neater version of the map, as well as sprites for the different items you can use to attract Pokemon. These areas would be more likely to give you the easy Pokemon (of course).
The items would be found in the same places as you find honey. I.E, Scouring, boxes, etc.
Other stuff
While in the games, you pay to enter the Safari Zone, I don't think implementing a payment here would do much good (since you don't pay for the tree). Instead, you can make an initial payment of 1000 pd (?) to unlock an area, and you can only unlock areas after reaching level 10.
Edit: and thanks for the support you guys!
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Trick and Treat art by Podunk
could you make it a bit more callenging like lets just say u could run into a wild pokemon and either flee or pay pd * 100-500 * to get the pokemon to leave and it wouldnt be so frequent like lets say u could run into 3 pokemon or 5 like a random number but this is just a small idea to make it a bit more challenging
I can't march on because i'm already far too broken...
And paying to make a certain Pokemon less frequent doesn't make this more challenging, it makes it less challenging. With that, you can pay to make all the easy Pokemon less frequent, and have the hard Pokemon appear more, which is not the spirit of the zones.
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Trick and Treat art by Podunk
You set the bait in the spot, and wait for a Pokemon to appear.
Then, if you don't want the Pokemon, you scare it away.
You may have to replenish your supplies, but they don't hurt you or take anything but what you put out.
It is made for Emera, not a pure copy of the games.
And BZack, the idea that Pokemon hold items is suggested elsewhere, here we are just working on the safari zone.
If you can read this, you know how to read.
Trick and Treat art by Podunk
The honey tree attracts mostly bugs, whereas the forest would attract birds (since it is tall, has nests, etc)
And rainbow, didn't mean to scare you off. :( just didn't know where you were coming from.
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Trick and Treat art by Podunk
PH will be more Attractive and Impressive.. Also we can add
"Capture wild pokemons" at the Features here
...And players will not be bored IF.. We added some things like *Battling with
Rock, Bait, and Safari Ball,, Not our pokemons and Creating the Safari Game with 10 minutes exploring the Safari with 30 ball like that.... So we cant lose a Player Online... Also the Pokemons that should appear there should be selected,, like in Route 53.. There was only few Pokemons Selected there..... Also we can call this a PH PARK Did you get it??
If riako agreed with Battling,, Then This should be implemented after implementing Battling Alpha Stage...
Happy Summerween - Candies
I am realizing that digital art is a lot harder than pencil art.
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Trick and Treat art by Podunk
My attempts at digital art are turning out less than gorgeous, as you can see below:
If you can read this, you know how to read.
Trick and Treat art by Podunk