“I’ll get to work right away.” Molly said. “Oh, and is it okay that
when I finish, I come back and paint this place?” She asked
starting to work on Emma.
"Come on, come on! There's gotta be something in here!" Erika
groaned in frustration as she continued to feel around the floor
for a tool of some kind. At this point, her fear was giving way to
Molly pulled out a screwdriver. She started to put brand new prices
of metal on her. “Oh I might need to go and get more tools. This
animatronic is big, so I need to go get more prices.” Molly
“Oh! Thank you!” She said rummaging through it to find some screws
and metal scraps. “Okay I might need some paint. To give it back
it’s color.” She said as she looked at the faded colors. “Or do you
not care about the colors?” She added.
“Thank you.” Molly said bowing her head a little. “You know, it’s
kinda nice being able to show my love for other things other than
archery in front of you.” Molly said before grabbing another doll
to fix.