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Forum Thread

Cybats Custom Minecraft Skin Shop

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Cybats Custom Minecraft Skin Shop
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Thu, 12/11/2020 02:17 (3 Years ago)
Welcome to my shop! Here I can make personalized skins that can actually be used for Minecraft! Here's the rules.

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1. No rushing! I can usually make skins pretty quick, but the difficulty of it could make it take longer.

2. My recourses are limited. Don't ask for something really rediculous. Over time while I find better skin makers, more options will be available.

3. I have the right to refuse anyone! If it is Impossible for me to make it, I won't waste my time.

My work


Price varies on time and difficulty. I'll charge after making the skin, but the range will always be between 20-30kpd.

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Amount of skins desired:
Reference for skin: