Cream cried out, then fell to the ground. He got back up. He was
really low on health right now. He looks at Porygon Z with pure
rage. He flew up off the ground at a supersonic speed, grabbed the
Porygon Z, and then dove to the ground, using it as a landing spot.
He landed on Porygon Z, making a huge crack in the ground.
Cream was flung away from the Porygon Z and fell to the ground.
Cream smiled as he looked at the Porygon Z’s body, which had a USB
chip in it that he grabbed from the scientist to correct the code,
then fell unconscious.
Cream yelled in agony, then pushed it out, along with some other
stuff, then started flying away, but became unconscious in midair,
then fell to the ground from 50 feet.
"They are going to take us inside the facility where they jeep all
the pokemon" he said as quietly as he could while pulling her
closer as they dropped the bag on the floor injuring midnight in
the process