Cream keeps crawling. He smelled more stuff. He heard something
else though. He goes away from the smell and finds something just
sitting there. He starts moving it with he head to the place back
where he supposedly lived.
Cream continues pushing it and passes some eeveelutions, although
he didn’t notice them because he was pushing the rectangle thingy.
It had lots of buttons on it and it was pretty skinny.
"so thorn, what were you doing yesterday looking at that egg, did
you wanna cook it *joke* well hate to break it to you, but if you
wanted it sunny side up, maybe you should have waited till sunrise
Cream had gotten rid of the thing and was just walking around alone
when he saw Mabel and others. He walked up to them and said loudly,
“HIII!” and ran around.
Midnight yawned as he thought to himself “huh I can’t seem to
remember where I’ve been for the past few days oh well” but then he
saw that Alexa had just scared Mabel so he decided he was going to
get them both and once he got close enough he jumped out of his
hiding spot and yelled “boo”