Axel scratched his head, he reached his hand out towards the
animatronic and touched it’s head. The damaged wires and dents in
its body started to fix themselves as an effect of his power. “We
should be going back now” he said to Crystal.
"Right." Crystal stomped on the floor once more, and the broomstick
turned and flew back the way they had came. It was a much slower,
calmer ride, but they were still back at the school entrance in
record time.
Finnie's face filled with empathy. "I'm sure he is just as amazing
as you are." She knew the hard, nagging feeling of not knowing your
parent. It was something no one should have to experience.
Archie was now now at her locker getting herself organized
with everything and looked at her backpack and hugs that up and
then closed her locker. Nina was wandering around looking for
others who she could force friends on Archie and she was at the
front of the school and saw the others there .
*He smiled blushing* I'm sure yours are as amazing as you are too
*He hugged and nuzzled her. He knew how she felt. It made it feel
better that they were by each other's sides*
Finnie looked up at the ceiling. "But how in the world could
someone believe that leaving your 2-year-old child in the woods
alone was the best thing to do? What was going through their minds?
Sometimes I don't know whether I should hate them or love them for
what they did to me."
*He gently rubbed her ankles* I don't know. They might have been
trying to save you from something terrible. Maybe someday our
questions will be answered
Crystal cracked a smile, biting her lip to keep the giggles from
escaping. "Uh, Axel?" She pointed at his head. "You might wanna
stop in front of a mirror next time you get a chance."
Nina walked to them and yelled a hello not to quickly or soft but
middle tone and she tried jumping up to get everyone’s attention.
She lightly huffs and tuggs on Finnies pants
Finnie kept looking up at him. "I can see why. But I've thought
about it, and I think it really boils down to our opinions and
willingness to listen or forgive, whichever needs to be done."
*He looked into her eyes* That is true. I know why my father is
gone. Your parents are a mystery though. Maybe if we could go to
the woods edge they left you we could find some clues