Forum Thread
Yugioh: Pokemon Archtype
Forum-Index → General Discussion → Yugioh: Pokemon ArchtypeCharmander.
Type: Dragon/Normal
Attribute: Fire
No effect
1000 attack 800 defense
Type Dragon/Effect
You can special summon this card by tributing one charmander you control. When this card is summoned, you can add one Charizard from your deck to your hand, but it cannot be summoned this turn. When this card is sent to the graveyard, you can inflict 500 damage to your opponent.
2000 attack 1800 defense
Level: 8
Type: Dragon/effect
Attribute Fire
This card can be special summoned from your hand by tributing one charmeleon you control. When this card is summoned, you can add one X and Y spell card or one Mega Evolution spell card from your deck to your hand, but it cannot be activated this turn. This card cannot be destroyed by battle by plant monsters. When this card is sent to the graveyard, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent.
3000 attack 2500 defense
Level: 3
Type: Plant/normal
Attribute Earth
No effect
800 attack, 1000 def
Level 5
Type: Plant/effect
Attribute: Earth
You can special summon this card by tributing one Bulbasaur you control. When this card is summoned, you can add one Venasaur from your deck to your hand, but it cannot be summoned this turn. When this card is sent to the graveyard, gain 500 lp.
1800 attack 2000 defense
This card can be special summoned from your hand by tributing one Ivysaur you control. When this card is summoned, you can add one Mega Evolution spell card from your deck to your hand, but it cannot be activated this turn. This card cannot be destroyed by battle by Aqua monsters. When this card is sent to the graveyard, gain 1000lp.
2500 attack 2800 defense.
Type: Aqua/normal
Attribute: Water
No effect
800 attack 1200 defense
Type: Aqua/effect
Attribute: Water
You can special summon this card by tributing one Squirtle you control. When this card is summoned, you can add one Blastoise from your deck to your hand, but it cannot be summoned this turn. When this card is sent to the graveyard, target one monster your opponent controls, it loses 500 attack and defense.
Type Aqua/effect
Attribute: Water
This card can be special summoned from your hand by tributing one Wortortle you control. When this card is summoned, you can add one Mega Evolution spell card from your deck to your hand, but it cannot be activated this turn. This card cannot be destroyed by battle by Fire Attribute monsters. When this card is sent to the graveyard, target one monster your opponent controls. It loses 1000 attack and defense.