Forum Thread
The Evolution of Pokemon
Forum-Index → Help → Guides → The Evolution of PokemonAfter dealing with real life and other events (i.e. the 2020 Berry Battle), I'm ready to crank out the remake to the aforementioned guide under the new name of The Evolution of Pokemon. If you've come by to find out the egg group or egg rarity of a particular pokemon, you can find that information in either the Egg Groups and Egg Rarity guides.
Each 'major' post of mine will be focused on each regional dex (i.e. one post for Kanto, another post of Johto, etc.). There's even gonna be a post for the Emera Dex (which, as you can imagine, will be updated with each new PH-exclusive pokemon) and the Mega/Giga pokemon will have a post of its own as well (and updated as well, though not as frequently as the Emera Dex post).
Now, this post is just the opening act, letting you all know what to expect from this thread. My next post will be on the Kanto Dex.
On the subject of Dexes released after this thread is published, any post that I've written after the previously released Dexes (currently up to Hisui, as of 17/11/2022) will be replaced with the new Dex.
Table of Contents

Kanto Dex: Pokemon #1 - #151
Johto Dex: Pokemon #152 - #251
Hoenn Dex: Pokemon #252 - #386
Sinnoh Dex: Pokemon #387 - #493
Unova Dex: Pokemon #494 - #649
Kalos Dex: Pokemon #650 - #721
Alola Dex: Pokemon #722 - #809, plus Alolan versions of previously released pokemon
Galar Dex: Pokemon #810 - #898, plus Galarian versions of previously released pokemon
Hisui Dex: Pokemon #899 - #904, plus Hisuian variants of previously released pokemon
Paldea Dex: COMING SOON!!!
Mega/Giga Dex: Currently know Mega & Giga forms
Retro Dex
Emera Dex: PokeHeroes-exclusive pokemon
If sending a Pokemon out on a Rumble Mission to evolve it, the Rumble Map in question MUST be at Level 5.
If evolving using the Fancy Salon, you must choose Acupuncture.
Update Log

Update 1.0 (03/09/2020) - Initial Post (Kanto-Kalos Dex)
Update 1.1 (13/09/2020) - Added Alola, Galar & Mega/Giga Dex
Update 1.2 (20/09/2020) - Added Retro Dex
Update 1.3 (21/09/2020) - Added Emera Dex
Update 1.4 (20/11/2022) - Added Hisui Dex
Update 2.0 (25/09/2020) - Updated Kanto Dex post with images & mini-sprites
Update 2.1 (18/09/2021) - Updated Johto Dex post with images, mini-sprites & an Unown sub-section
Update 2.2 (25/12/2021) - Updated Hoenn Dex post with images, mini-sprites & 2 sub-sections for Castform and Deoxys
Update 2.21 (25/12/2021) - Updated Sinnoh Dex post with images, mini-sprites & 3 sub-sections for Rotom, Giratina, Shaymin & Arceus (with Giratina & Shaymin sharing the Legend sub-section)
Update 2.22 (25/12/2021) - Updated Unova Dex post with images, mini-sprites & 4 sub-sections for Deerling, the Forces of Nature trio, Darmanitan, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta & Genesect (with Darmanitan, Kyurem, Keldeo & Meloetta sharing the Legends sub-section)
Update 2.23 (25/12/2021) - Updated Kalos Dex post with images, mini-sprites & 4 sub-sections for Vivillon, Flabébé, Furfrou, Zygarde & Hoopa (with Zygarde & Hoopa sharing the Legends sub-section)
Update 2.24 (09/01/2022) - Updated Alola Dex post with images, mini-sprites & 4 sub-sections for Alolan Variants, Ultra Beasts, Silvally, Magearna, Marshadow & Meltan (with Magearna, Marshadow & Meltan sharing the Mythical section)
Update 2.25 (09/01/2022) - Updated Galar Dex post with images, mini-sprites & 4 sub-sections, showing off the various forms of the Galarian Variants, Cramorant, Alcremie, the Hero duo, Glastrier, Spectrier & Calyrex (along with how to get said forms).
Update 2.251 (02/04/2022) - Added new Pokemon to the Retro & Mega/Giga Dex posts and a note regarding the Fancy Salon to this post.
Update 2.252 (19/11/2022) - Made changes to the Table of Contents
ALERT!!! If anyone comes across any errors in this guide, feel free to PM/PP me with the correct info.
Title: Kanto Dex (1-151)
Update 1.0 (03/09/2020) - Initial Post
Update 2.0 (25/09/2020) - Added mini-sprites for Pokemon & images for Evolutionary Items

–16–> #002
–32–> #003
Charmander –16–> #005
–36–> #006
Squirtle –16–> #008
–36–> #009
Caterpie –7–> #011
–10–> #012
Weedle –7–> #014
–10–> #015
Pidgey –16–> #017
–32–> #018
Rattata –20–> #020
Spearow –20–> #022
Ekans –22–> #024
Pikachu –Use
Thunder Stone–> #026
Sandshrew –22–> #028
Nidoran ♀ –16–> #030
Nidorina –Use
Moon Stone–> #031
Nidoran ♂ –16–> #033
Nidorino –Use
Moon Stone–> #034
Clefairy –Use
Moon Stone–> #036
Vulpix –Use
Fire Stone–> #038
Jigglypuff –Use
Moon Stone–> #040
Zubat –22–> #042
Oddish –21–> #044
Gloom –Use
Leaf Stone–> #045
Paras –24–> #047
Venonat –31–> #049
Diglett –26–> #051
Meowth –28–> #053
Psyduck –33–> #055
Mankey –28–> #057
Growlithe –Use
Fire Stone–> #059
Poliwag –25–> #061
Water Stone–> #062
Abra –16–> #064
–Trade–> #065
Machop –28–> #067
–Trade–> #068
Bellsprout –21–> #070
Leaf Stone–> #071
Tentacool –30–> #073
Geodude –25–> #075
–Trade–> #076
Ponyta –40–> #078
Slowpoke –37–> #080
Magnemite –30–> #082
Doduo –31–> #085
Seel –34–> #087
Grimer –38–> #089
Shellder –Use
Water Stone–> #091
Gastly –25–> #093
–Trade–> #094
Drowzee –26–> #097
Krabby –28–> #099
–30–> #101
Leaf Stone–> #103
–28–> #105
–35–> #110
–42–> #112
–32–> #117
–33–> #119
Staryu –Use
Water Stone–> #121
Mr. Mime
–20–> #130
Eevee –Use
Water Stone–> #134
Eevee –Use
Thunder Stone–> #135
Eevee –Use
Fire Stone–> #136
–40–> #139
–40–> #141
–30–> #148
–55–> #149

















































































Title: Johto Dex
Update 1.0 (03/09/2020) - Initial Post
Update 2.0 (18/09/2021) - Added mini-sprites for Pokemon & images for Evolutionary Items, along with a sub-section, showing off the various forms of the non-Event Unown.
Update 2.1 (25/12/2021) - Inserted break lines in the Unown section.






























#201 - see Unown section below






































































Title: Hoenn Dex
Update 2.0 (25/12/2021) - Added mini-sprites for Pokemon & images for Evolutionary Items, along with 2 sub-sections, showing off the various forms of Castform & Deoxys (along with how to get said forms).





















































#351 - see Castform section below
























#386 - see Deoxys section below
Castform, by using a

In the section, I’ll have the weather condition, Castform name & type (in that order) separated by a /, that way if you’re looking for a specific Castform (more than likely the Psychic-type Aurora Castform), you’ll know exactly what type of weather conditions you’ll need to have before changing Castform.

Clear Sky/base form/Normal

Very Sunny/Heat/Fire




Mystic Aurora/Aurora/Psychic


Very Foggy/Dark/Dark




Strong Earthquakes/Earthquake/Ground


Small Earthquakes/Eruption/Rock





After completing the Hoenn Dex (and the following Brown Sack quest from Professor Rowan), you can send Deoxys out to the Space Rumble Map, where it has a chance of picking up one of the 3 Meteorites required to change its form. The color in parenthesis indicates the Meteorite needed to be given to Deoxys (to hold, of course) for that particular form.
Title: Sinnoh Dex
Update 2.0 (25/12/2021) - Added mini-sprites for Pokemon & images for Evolutionary Items, along with 3 sub-sections, showing off the various forms of Rotom, Giratina, Shaymin & Arceus (along with how to get said forms).































































#479 - see Rotom section below







#487 - see Legend section below




#492 - see Legend section below
#493 - see Arceus section below
In order to get the various forms of Rotom, Giratina, Shaymin & Arceus you can go to the GTS to look for them. Or you can open Black Mystery Boxes (for Griseous Crystals), other Mystery Boxes (for Rotom & Arceus' held items) and participate in the Summer Time Shaymin annual event (for Gracidea).





























Title: Unova Dex
Update 2.0 (25/12/2021) - Added mini-sprites for Pokemon & images for Evolutionary Items, along with 4 sub-sections, showing off the various forms of Deerling, the Forces of Nature trio, Darmanitan, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta & Genesect (along with how to get said forms).












































#585 - see Deerling section below






























#641 - see Forces of Nature section below
#642 - see Forces of Nature section below


#645 - see Forces of Nature section below
#646 - see Legends section below
#647 - see Legends section below
#648 - see Legends section below
#649 - see Genesect section below
#585 Deerling is unique in the fact that, like the 4 Event Flaffy evo-lines, it has different forms for each of the 4 seasons. Each Deerling, no matter the season, evolves into the corresponding seasonal #586 Sawsbuck at Level 34
Forces of Nature
Each member of the Forces of Nature trio requires it to be holding a


















Title: Kalos Dex
Update 2.0 (25/12/2021) - Added mini-sprites for Pokemon & images for Evolutionary Items, along with 4 sub-sections, showing off the various forms of Vivillon, Flabébé, Furfrou, Zygarde & Hoopa (along with how to get said forms).








#669 - (see Flabébé evo-line section below for its alternate forms)


























#718 - see Legends section below

#720 - see Legends section below

Vivillon is one of the 5 pokemon that can only be caught at the Safari Zone (Rotom and the Forces of Nature trio are the other 4). Though all of the patterns can be obtained in the Safari Zone (with the exception of the Poke Ball & Fancy patterns, which can be found during the Hoenn Berry Battle event), when bred, they all evolve to the Meadow pattern.

Meadow (base form)-

Archipelago -

Continental -

Elegant -

Garden -

High Plains -

Icy Snow -

Jungle -

Marine -

Modern -

Monsoon -

Ocean -

Polar -

River -

Sandstorm -

Savanna -

Sun -

Tundra -

PokéBall -

Fancy -

Flabébé evo-line
Though different in appearance, the Flabébé evo-line all have the same following evolutionary path.

In order to get the different hairstyles of #676

Basic: 1k each - 20 minutes (temporary)/4k each - 40 minutes (permanent)
Star -

Heart -

Diamond -

Fancy: 2k each - 45 minutes (temporary)/5k each - 90 minutes (permanent)
Dandy -

Matron -

Debutante -

Royal: 3k each - 60 minutes (temporary)/7k each - 1200 minutes (permanent)
Pharaoh -

La Reine -

Kabuki -

The Legends in here have specific requirements in order to get them.
For #718


Core Forme -

Cell Forme -

10% Forme -

50% Forme -

Complete Forme -

Title: Alola Dex
Update 2.0 (09/01/2022) - Added mini-sprites for Pokemon & images for Evolutionary Items, along with 5 sub-sections, showing off the various forms of the Alolan Variants, Ultra Beasts, Silvally, Magearna, Marshadow & Meltan (along with how to get said forms).

#19-#105 - see Alolan Variants section below































#772-#773 - see Type: Null/Silvally section below




















#789-799, #803-#806 - see Ultra Beasts section below
#801-#802, #808-#809 - see Mythical section below

Alolan Variants
When Alola came out, it brought us some variations of Kanto's own pokemon. These guys can be either bred or picked up from the Alola Rumble Map (in the case of the Raichu, Exeggutor & Marowak variants, they can ONLY be picked up from the aforementioned Rumble Map) and they all have the (Alolan) by their name in the Alola Dex.
To obtain the Alola Rumble Map, you must complete the Daycare Owner's Quest after hitting Trainer Level 20.











Ultra Beasts
You will need either #791

To get #789













Type: Null/Silvally





























Title: Galar Dex
Update 1.1 (24/09/2020) - Changed Snom's evolution process
Update 1.2 (12/10/2020) - Changed Applin's evolution process
Update 2.0 (09/01/2022) - Added mini-sprites for Pokemon & images for Evolutionary Items, along with 4 sub-sections, showing off the various forms of the Galarian Variants, Cramorant, Alcremie, the Hero duo, Glastrier, Spectrier & Calyrex (along with how to get said forms).
Update 2.1 (05/04/2022) - Actually changed Applin's evolution process by Jacharias
















#845 - see Cramorant section below








#868 & #869 - see Alcremie section below














#888 & #889 - see Legendary section below



#896-#898 - see Legendary section below
Galarian Variants
With Galar's arrival came more variants and a new Rumble Map. A list of the pokemon you can get from the Galar Rumble Map can be found here. Do note that you will get a Feather Summon Item for one of the 3 Galarian variants of Kanto's Legendary Bird Trio.
Obtaining the Map comes in 3 parts. You must have spent a total of 5k Gems with the Gem Collector (and win the battle against him) in order to get the first part of the map. Obtaining Part 2 of the Map doubles the total amount of Gems spent for Part 1 access and Part 3 of the Map doubles the total amount of Gems spent for Part 2. The Map lets you get ALL Gems (including Dragon & Fairy), along with the

And, just like the Alolan variants, the Galarian variants all have (Galarian) after their name.















In order to change Cramorant's form you have to put it in your party together with a Pikachu (Gorging) or Arrokuda (Gulping) and go to Cramorant's page to let it 'eat' the second Pokémon. To get the Shining variants of Gulping & Gorging, Pikachu/Arrokuda must be Shiny.






With the introduction of the new Wheel of Fortune came a new Galarian pokemon, #868










The Hero duo, #888

The key item





Title: Mega/Giga Dex
The Mega section will contain those whose Mega forms are only unlocked by holding an item (i.e. the legendary Hoenn pokemon) and will include the Primal forms of both Groudon & Kyorge. Also, the Mega section will contain all the Mega Event Pokemon available on PokeHeroes.
The Giga section will be a little different in its sorting. The pokemon there will be sorted according to Egg Rarity. Reason for that is simple... each Egg Rarity requires a set amount of Dynamax Crystals for a Giga Evolution, so all Easy rarity requires 1, Medium rarity requires 2, etc. The Dynamax Crystal amount will be noted for each rarity and in order from Easy to Special.
Let's begin...
Note: All of the sprites shown are of the end result of performing the Mega/Giga Evolution. Also, this is the first post to feature sprite usage. If you guys like how it looks, I'll most definitely go back and change the previous posts to feature sprites.
Update 1.0 (09/13/2020) - Initial Post
Update 1.1 (9/29/2020) - added Mega Rapidash (Galarian)
Update 1.2 (11/06/2020) - added Mega Obsidialix
Update 1.3 (11/27/2020) - added Eternamax Eternatus
Update 1.4 (02/04/2022) - added the Mega forms of Cursed Rapidash, Slowbro (Galarian), Typhlosion, Zoroark, Diancie (Emera) & Forsmoth, along with the Giga forms of Alcremie, Copperajah & Duraludon
All Mega-able Pokemon must be at least Level 50 AND holding a Mega Stone to trigger a Mega Evolution when it levels up.

























































































Giga Evolution
All Giga-capable Pokemon MUST be at least Level 100 in order to perform a Giga Evolution. The list of those capable of Giga Evolution (along with how many Dynamax Crystals is needed) can be found in the following spoiler.

Easy Rarity: 1 Dynamax Crystal (Shiny Easy: 5 Dynamax Crystals)





Medium Rarity: 2 Dynamax Crystals (Shiny Medium: 10 Dynamax Crystals)





Hard Rarity: 3 Dynamax Crystals (Shiny Hard: 15 Dynamax Crystals)





Rare Rarity: 4 Dynamax Crystals (Shiny Rare: 20 Dynamax Crystals)






Starter Rarity: 5 Dynamax Crystals (Shiny Starter: 25 Dynamax Crystals)






Special Rarity: 5 Dynamax Crystals (Shiny Special: 25 Dynamax Crystals)





With the arrival of Eternamax Eternatus comes the costliest Giga Evolution. You will need a whopping 20 Dynamax Crystals, 100 if you doing a Shiny Giga Evolution.
Title: Retro Dex
Update 1.0 (09/20/2020) - Initial Post
Update 2.0 (25/12/2021) - Added break lines & the Gastly evo-line
Update 2.1 (02/04/2022) - Added Retro Corsola









































Title: Emera Dex
After this post, I may write out another post for all of the different forms in the game (i.e. Rotom, Furfrou & Vivillon)
So, anyway, I hope you enjoy.
Update 1.0 (09/21/2020) - Initial Post
Update 2.0 (10/05/2020) - Added the Pumplin & Orryrm Events (and their various evolution processes)
Update 3.0 (11/05/2020) - Added Obsidianix & Obsidialix


#10: Catercream -12-> #11: Metacream -24-> #12: Buttercream

#172: Narichu -level up while holding a Rare Candy-> #25: Naruchu -level up while holding a Calcium-> #26: Raizumaki

#172: Satichu -Acupuncture/Soothe Bell-> #25: Satochu -Thunder Stone-> #26: Raitoshi

#173: Clawfa -Acupuncture/Soothe Bell-> #35: Clawfairy -Moon Stone-> #36: Nessy

#37: Witch Vulpix -Dusk Stone-> #38: Magic Ninetales

#174: Igglybath -Water Stone-> #39: Jigglybath -Water Stone-> #40: Wigglybath

#50: Sproutlett -Leaf Stone-> #51: Sproutrio

#52: Lepreowth -28-> #53: Perchaun



#58: Cuddlithe -Using Fire Stone-> #59: Arcaddly

#63: Autumn Abra -16-> #64: Autumn Kadabra -Trade-> #65: Autumn Alakazam

#66: Surfer Machop -28-> #67: Machotide -have a female Lopunny in your Party->#68: Beachamp

#77: Dark Ponyta -40-> #78: Cursed Rapidash

#79: Slowyore -feed 5-10 Honey->#80: Yorebro

#79: Slowyore -feed 1-3 Honey while holding a King's Rock-> #199: Yoreking

#86: Gomaseel -34-> #87: Ikkakugong

#95: Obsidianix -use Lava Cookie-> #208: Obsidialix

#96: Dr. Crazee -26-> #97: Prof. Madno

#100: Solorb -30-> #101: Eclipsode

#102: Disguised Exeggcute -Leaf Stone-> #103: Disguised Exeggutor

#104: Cubone (Hylian) -28-> #105: Marowak (Hylian)


#114: Impasta -36-> #465: Tanghetti

#439: Jolly Jr./Sad Jr. -have a Sad Jr./Jolly Jr. of the same gender in your Party-> #122: Mr. Moody

#238: Princess Smoochum -30-> #124: Queen Jynx















#446: Sugar Shock -Acupuncture/Soothe Bell-> #143: Candy Belly


#163: Coocoot -20-> #164: Nocnoc


#179: Autumn Mareep -15-> #180: Autumn Flaaffy -30-> #181: Autumn Ampharos

#179: Spring Mareep -15-> #180: Spring Flaaffy -30-> #181: Spring Ampharos

#179: Summer Mareep -15-> #180: Summer Flaaffy -30-> #181: Summer Ampharos

#438: Blossomly -using Spray Duck-> #185: Applewoodo

#194: Woopice -Ice Stone-> #195: Quagschnee

#198: Plaguekrow -Dusk Stone-> #430: Dr. Honch





#218: Slugua -Trade while holding a Shoal Shell-> #219: Aquargo






#246: Larviprop -30-> #247: Pupibot -55-> #248: Mecha Tyranitar


#255: Torcharch -16-> #256: Combowsken -36-> #257: Robin Blaze

#276: Tailluchi -22-> #277: Swelluhodo

#280: Festival Ralts -20-> #281: Festival Kirlia -50-> #282: Festival Gardevoir

#285: Super Shroom -have a Princess Smoochum in your Party-> #286: Super Breloomio

#287: Easter Slakoth -18-> #288: Easter Vigoroth -36-> #289: Easter Slaking

#299: Nosepharos -Shiny Stone/Lightstone Cave-> #476: Probolight

#304: Crystal Aron -32-> #305: Crystal Lairon -42-> #306: Crystal Aggron



#320: Wailmer (Babylonian) -100-> #321: Wailord (Babylonian)

#322: Winter Numel -33-> #323: Winter Camerupt



#333: Cottonblu -35-> #334: Candaria


#337: Selunar -visit Summary page with both Selunar & Solastra in Party, then click on 'Let them orbit around each other'-> #338: Eclipseon
#338: Solastra -visit Summary page with both Selunar & Solastra in Party, then click on 'Let them orbit around each other'-> #338: Eclipseon



#353: Zomppet -37-> #354: Banettenstein


#371: Mr. Bagon -30-> #372: Sir Shelgon -50-> #373: Lord Salamence

#371: van Bagon -30-> #372: Shelcasso -50-> #373: Sala da Menci



#399: Tom Nook -hold Seller Clothes-> #399: Tom Nook (Seller)


#425: Driflamp -Dawn Stone-> #426: Lightblim


#427: Easter Buneary -Acupuncture/Soothe Bell-> #428: Easter Lopunny


#447: Rokkyu -Acupuncture/Soothe Bell-> #448: Lucario-sensei

#449: Hippopotain -34-> #450: Hippowtain

#456: Gloweon -31(nighttime)-> #457: Cosmoneon

#456: Gloweon -31(daytime)-> #457: Lumiday
















#509: Pharraloin -20-> #510: Kleopard




#517: Nightmare Munna -Moon Stone-> #518: Nightmare Musharna

#546: Flower Boy -Daytime, with Flower Girl in the Party-> #547: Groomicott

#548: Flower Girl -Daytime, with Flower Boy in the Party-> #549: Lilibride


#557: Sandwebble -34-> #558: Sandcrustle

#559: Rodeo Scraggy -39-> #560: Sheriff Scrafty



#580: Easter Ducklett -35-> #581: Easter Swanna

#585: Deerling (Easter) -34-> #586: Sawsbuck (Easter)

#585: Snowling -34-> #586: Snowbuck

#610: Knight Axew -38-> #611: Baron Fraxure -48-> #612: Sir Haxelot

#613: Hawaiian Cubchoo -37-> #614: Hawaiian Beartic

#619: Mikofoo -50-> #620: Mikoshao

#633: Steamo -50-> #634: Zweipunk -64-> #635: Teslagon

#636: Fiesta Larvesta -59-> #637: Fiesta Volcarona

#659: Easter Bunnelby -20-> #660: Easter Diggersby

#661: Messenger Fletchling -17-> #662: Messenger Fletchinder -35-> #663: Messenger Talonflame

#664: Scattercube -10-> #665: Spewbrella -25-> #666: Cocktaillon


#669: Flabébé (Eternal Flower) -19-> #670: Floette (Eternal Flower) -Shiny Stone-> #671: Florges (Eternal Flower)

#669: Flabébé (Sakura) -19-> #670: Floette (Sakura) -Shiny Stone-> #671: Florges (Sakura)

#672: Skugar -32-> #673: Gingergoat


#677: Maneki Espurr -25-> #678: Maneki Meowstic






#840: Orryrm -level up while holding a Jaboca Berry-> #841: Flapperine

#840: Orryrm -level up while holding a Custap Berry-> #842: Orake

#840: Pumplin -level up while holding a Whipped Dream during Nighttime-> #841: Gourdle

#840: Pumplin -level up while holding a Whipped Dream during Daytime-> #842: Pumpkintun


Title: Hisui Dex
This is probably the first Dex that I actually had to scour the forums for, in order to get the evolution info I neede. Thus, if any mistakes are noticed, I highly urge you all to let me know via PP, so I can correct it ASAP.
Another thing, until more Hisui Pokemon make their way here (and their small sprites get added), the sprites will be the full-size version.
In order to get the Hisuian variants of the previous Pokemon (i.e. Zorua, Sneasel & Braviary), you'll need to have

As for the Origin forms of




















Thank you for all your hard work though! This guide has helped a lot!
Title: Light the Fires
So, on top of me updating the Dex posts with the little icons, I would like to ask for everyone's help in making sure that this guide is 100% accurate. Any mistakes that you see, feel free to let me know and I'll fix it as soon as I can.
Title: Light the Fires part 2
Haven't really done much with the guide since updating the Mega/Giga Dex around the end of November 2020. So any help on new pokemon and their evolutionary processes will be greatly appreciated.
Title: Rise of the Upgrades
Starting with Johto, I'll have a subsection below the 'main' dex to show off the different variations of certain pokemon. Mostly, it'll have the Dex Rewards like Deoyxs, Arceus & Silvally.
As always, I hope that this helps you out.
Title: X-Mas Upgrades
So, for X-Mas 2021 here on PH, I've updated the Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova & Kalos Dexes in the same style that I did with the Johto Dex. Next up is a break for a bit and back to work on the Dex updates.
As always, I welcome any assistance on correcting mistakes that can be found in the Dexes (and any information on the evolution processes of newly arrived Pokemon).