Forum Thread
Pokemon: Z Essence
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon: Z Essence
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After being accepted into the trial regarding the testing of the "Z-Bands" that were currently being developed by Crystalwares, you now find yourself travelling from Hau’oli City to the Seafolk Village on a small ferry along with a handful of others whom you assume are here, also, for the trial. For health and safety purposes, it has been requested that you do not bring any Pokemon into the lab. Professor Takara awaits your arrival at the village's Pokemon Center with more information.
"Approximately one hour until landing at Seafolk Village. I repeat, approximately one hour until landing at Seafolk Village. Please ensure that you have all your belongs together. Thank you for travelling with us."

"I see... I'll get right on it when I'm next free. However, I must go now, I'm due to meet with the volunteers within the next hour. I haven't forgotten... Yes, I'll make sure that they're all monitored closely and that everything is reported. Okay, I'll speak to you later."
The scientist sighs, quickly followed by a yawn, but not before hanging up the phone. However hard she tried to hide her weakened self, exhausted from the long nights of studying years-worth of notes, the panda-eyed and pale appearance was probably her biggest struggle. Oria takes a sip from the, now cold, Komala coffee, "ugh.. I suppose I should-"
A sudden crash in her office startles her. Papers (most likely the important ones) that had once been organised into neat stacks were now up in the air, fluttering back to the ground and covering the three small rock-type Pokemon.
"Ruff!" "A-aron..!" "Lar!"
'Great, thanks guys. That's all I need right now.'
Returning the troublesome trio to their respective Pokeballs, Oria stands and stretches producing a multitude of audible cracks from her joints. Before she was even going to attempt anything productive today, she was going to get herself a fresh coffee.