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Ermi's Dev Log
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I believe this is my 5th attempt to this game. The topic was always the same, but the approach keep changing with different attempt. So basically, this will be a browser game (clicker) where everything will be happen in the Tavern. Player is a hero, will select his class (that can be change in any moment without any penalty) and with the class come different set of stats, for example "Warrior" will have Strength, Stamina and Block, while the "Archer" will have Agility, Aim and Speed. While changing the class the points doesn't transfer to the new stats, but stay, so when you have 5 points in Strenght as Warrior and change to Archer, your Agility will have 0 points, but when you switch back to Warrior you will have 5 points in Strength. I hope that's clear enough:) The other mechanics are still in the project phase and will be added once approved.
If you have any questions or suggestions, PalPad me and we can talk:)
•login and signup system
•training of stats
•viewing the profile
To do:
•class selection
•profile editing
•custom avatars?
•currency system
•item system
12th of August 2020
Decided on language (PHP) and database system(PostgreSQL). Created the Database Entity Diagram. Created the login/register system. Developed first version of button incrementing values in database.
17th of August 2020
Changed the Database Entity Diagram. Created new tables and adjust login/register system. Developed the viewing of profile (all users) and created a early version of stats training system (still without classes). Added the "Page generation time" in the footer. Was thinking about using the framework (Symfony, Laravel)...