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The Land of Ever After RP

Forum-Index Roleplay The Land of Ever After RP
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:28 (4 Years ago)
“Oh dear” he said “I haven’t any vendaje, but I could help you stop the bleeding” he said “just apply pressure”
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:29 (4 Years ago)
Well that works too//, he thought as he took the bandaid quickly. "Yeah.. If you could that would be nice." he nodded. Then he looked around "hm.. what to do now though.." he clearly wasnt sure, now even seeming a little lost
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:30 (4 Years ago)
“I believe we are allowed to explore, because it is our first day” he said, jumping off his shoulder and turning back into a human
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:32 (4 Years ago)
"Some one's crushing on you!!!!!!" a girl with red and pink hair exclaims. Her tiny pink wings flutter. This is Cora, (basically cupid, don't ask me why this counts as a fairy tale!) She looks directly at Cronus. "And on the second day!" she exclaims, happy to witness a romance. "Oh is it the first? I don't know!" she isn't good with time.
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:33 (4 Years ago)
"hm.." He nods a little as he put the bandaid onto his neck, even though it was a little troublesome it still worked. "The village seems nice enough.. Lets head there." He said as he looked at Gatito, a little confused as he watched him turn human. "Thats a nice transformation you can do." He had ignored Cora up to this but then looked at her. "I.. What-? No."
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:34 (4 Years ago)
He nodded, and back flipped, turning into a cat, then a human in midair. “Who’s a crush on who?” He asked
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:39 (4 Years ago)
"Void is crushing on Cronus!" Cora says, doing a cartwheel in midair. Her grin rivals Kats. "Oohhhh!" she says to induce drama.
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:40 (4 Years ago)
He turned back into a cat “why would someone have a crush on anyone on the first day?” He asked, perching on cronus’s shoulder again
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:41 (4 Years ago)
Cronus tried to walk past her "Defenetly . not. She cant." he muttered as he almost tched again. He was bad with feelings and stuff and really couldnt believe any of that
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 79
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:42 (4 Years ago)
meg walks out of her dorm with her sketch book and pencil and sees void and cronus.
im a banana boi

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:44 (4 Years ago)
“Hmm” he said “why d I have the sneaking suspicion Cupid is the reason?” He asked, coiling his tail around cronus’s neck for stability
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:48 (4 Years ago)
"Oh nononono!" Cora intoned. "I would never to that to my sweet little void pool!" she says, putting emphasis on the word never.
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:50 (4 Years ago)
“Sure” he said, frowning “I’m sure a perra like yourself wouldn’t do anything for drama” he said
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:51 (4 Years ago)
"Me? Drama? You speak of the swan." she scowls for this first time, pointing at the swan princess. Cora shakes her head. "I just love romance." she winks at Gatito.
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:53 (4 Years ago)
“Gatito does not like female romance” he said, scoffing “you’re a drama Reina“ he said, sneering
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:54 (4 Years ago)
Cora looks hurt. She casts one last meaningful glance at Cronus before leaving. As she left, she was singing. "Void loves Cronus!"
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:54 (4 Years ago)
Cronus waited for them to finish, holding back the urge to say something rude. He just intended to look around the village, maybe get some snacks. Either steal them or buy them like the ´good´ people did. Maybe he could try Ice cream too, actually.. he was not even sure what that was
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:55 (4 Years ago)
He was muttering insults in Spanish, and looked at Cronus “wnat to steal from the rich?”
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:57 (4 Years ago)
He looked back at him "Hell yeah why didnt you ask earlier?" he said as he nodded at him. Brushing some strands of hair out of his face his expression changed "If we get caught we´ll have a problem though." he then said
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 19:58 (4 Years ago)
“My father was a very talented man, he was betrayed by his brother, and he never got caught before. Let’s go steal from the rich”