Ellise stood gaping for a few seconds before attempting to free
Charmander's tail. "How in the world did Abra get something like
this?" She asked, amazed. The Abra just sat there, grinning a
sleepy grin.
Ellise pulls the trap off of Charmander's tail, then proceeds to
scold Abra. It appears to be sleeping more than listening though.
It teleports into Ellise's wool and falls heavily asleep. "Better
there, I guess," she says.
Ellise glances over at Charmander, and then at the young Pokemon.
She grins a mischievous smile, then pulls out what appears to be a
marker. She quickly doodles a monocle and mustache on Charmander's
face, then continues on as if nothing had happened.
Ellise doesn't look towards Charmander in case he woke up. She was
smiling so hard that anyone could tell she had some the prank, but
she didn't want him to know that.
Ellise yawned, waking up from her nap. She sleepily looked around
to see the other five Pokemon she was with still asleep in one
group. She smiled, then rested her head back on her feet.