pros:can beat up an 11 year old
flaws:gets mad really easy
bending style: earth
weapons: a metle pole
back story: same as megs but has older sis
apperance: small kid with short blound hair and wears a small earth
kingdom shirt with no slives.
(carter is megs little bro
A quick rule update:
If you have more than one character, choose one to be your main and
the other ones can be supporting/background characters or an
antagonist. This is just so everyone can remember everyone else's
characters better. Buy a Sprite!
Another quick update:
I'm going to randomly select a character to be the avatar. Tell me
if you have a character you don't want to be chosen. I'll dm you if
your character is selected. Buy a Sprite!
Name: Raimi
Age: 12
Pros: Extroverted, loud, persuasive
Flaws: Easilly annoyed, insecure
Bending style: Earth
Weapons or significant items: None
Backstory: After showing time and time again of being incapable of
earth bending due to his go with the flow personality, his pro
bender parents dropped him off on air temple island since he
couldn't continue the family legacy
Appearance: Short straight black hair with amber eyes. Buy a Sprite!
Username: Lonley_Banette
Name: Ahni
Age: 14
Pros:Sneaky, Clever
Flaws: Mute, Shy
Bending Style: Air
Weapons: A scythe
Back Story:Got her tongue burned fatally when a Fire Nation Raid
attacked the Air Temple she lived in. Escaped with her friend, a
Raven Eagle
Appearance: Short brown hair that she keeps in a bun, tall, wears a
bandanna to cover her mouth injury