Forum Thread
The Casino [Pokemon RP - Open! - Sign Ups]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → The Casino [Pokemon RP - Open! - Sign Ups]We have a very large selection of slot machines and a selection of r a r e pokemon.
If you do not already come with a partner pokemon, we can arrange one of our own p r i z e pokemon to be your partner. So, What do ya say? he says as he taps on the desk nervously. ...---... ...---... Wait! isn't that Morse Code?

-Don't be rude
-Don't be OP
- Don't double post
-Just kidding, password is Obstagoon
-No legends or Mythicals as partners
-Password is actually number of rules
-More rules
-Password is farther up

Character Name:
Character Gender:
Character Partner (Can be any pokemon or one from the casino):
My form:

Character Name: Reese
Character Gender: Male
Character Partner(s) (Can be any pokemon or one from the casino): Cubone and Porygon
Password: Ha! It's not here
Other: Is the manager being held hostage

Me: *at school*
My dad: *checks grades*
My dad: *sees an A-*
My dad coming to beat the shell out of me