Forum Thread
Shiny and Mega Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → Shiny and Mega DiarySo this is my last Diary. I've made few and all of them sucked, hope this one will be awesome, since I have premium and started serious shiny and mega hunts.
Let's start with me showing you some stuff about me.
Name; Saba
Nickname; Sabi
Username; Glue
Gender; Male
Age; 18
Location; Canada
Favorite Pokemon; Pinsir
Favorite Books; The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Fight Club.
Favorite Series; Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, How I met your mother, Supernatural, Undateable ...
5th Shiny Spritzee
1st and 4th Shiny Pinsir
1st-20th Normal Klefki
1st Shiny Klefki
3rd,4th,5th Shiny Aron
3rd Mega Spring Ampharos
2nd Mega Summer Ampharos
Glue is currently hunting Pinsir.

Chain: 32
(1 Shinies hatched so far.)
(0 Mega hatched so far.)
(0 Mega Shiny hatched so far.)

23/04/2014 - Congratulations! A shiny Spritzee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #89)!1
1 - Traded to Power
18/05/2014 - Congratulations! A shiny Zigzagoon hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #14)!1
1 - Traded to Talha
18/06/2014 - Congratulations! A shiny Klefki hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #42)!
21/06/2014 - Congratulations! A shiny Aron hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #43)!1
21/06/2014 - Congratulations! A shiny Aron hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #61)!
22/06/2014 - Congratulations! A shiny Aron hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #69)!2
1 - Sold to ninotaurus / 2- Sold to Abby

--/--/2014 Shiny Pinsir bought from Power Traded Shiny Spritzee
23/062014 Shiny Shuppet bought from Senrier for 1x

23/062014 Shiny Gengar bought from ninotaurus for 300,000

26/062014 Shiny Banette bought from Senrier for 500,000
26/062014 Shiny Shuppet bought from Senrier for 500,000

26/062014 Shiny Fennekin bought for 955,000

28/06/2014 Received Shiny Shinx From ninotaurus
01/07/2014 Received Shiny Shinx From Sassiepeach