Forum Thread
Giritina’s Last Stand (rp)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Giritina’s Last Stand (rp)Welcome to Giritina's Last Stand. Here in the Nanna region, we've heard of special legends of trainers coming to save the world from The Night of Death and Pain. Barely anybody has believed the legend, and the ones who do still await the arrival of these trainers. Most people call them crazy, but their favor in Arceus' eyes is undoubtably strong. Even thunderstorms will not rage in the night since the legend has been believed.
heres the signups

1.normal ph rules apply
2. I have the rights to reject a form.
3. Follow the forms
4. Be patient
5. absolutely NO SWEARING.
6. "starter does NOT have to be a starter, but CANNOT be a legendary, Mythical, or evolved pokemon
(examples of ok pokemon: Elekid, Lapras, Charmander, Archen, Caterpie)
(examples of NOT ok pokemon: Electabuzz(evolved), Articuno(legend), Genesect(mythical), etc.)
7. password is your favorite mega in ph (don't put mega by it)
(examples: Charizard X, Dunsparce)
8.everything on the form is NOT OPTIONAL! (except for other)
9. Only one character
10. Do not put TBA in anywhere. I only did that because I can work on her backstory later, (applies for all forms after we start the rp thread :D) OPing
13.Try not to do that many one-liners~

Kaya Natu [npc]
Amber Eevee [ ~KawiiDino~]
Cy Charmander [ Cybat101]
Gleen Vulpix [xX_Artemis_Xx]
Suvansh Litten [Suvichan]
Ashly Snivy [ ScolipedeGirl ]
Ace Lunar Yamper [SharkWillBraviary]
Satotchi. Absol. [RedBlue08]
Brucee Sandshrew [I_Luv2Draw]
[Rose was added to the party!]
Please level up my Tobies!
Something was in Toby’s mouth!
[Ace found a ticket! It seems to be a one-way flight to Nanna!]
Blaze looked through your wallet and found something that wasn’t there before!
[Cy found a ticket! It seems to be a one-way flight to Nanna!]
Rose ran under Amber’s desk and came out with something!
[Amber found a ticket! It seems to be a one-way flight to Nanna!]
[Quest 1: find your Pokémon and use the ticket to go to Nanna- Start!]
[Cy, Ace, Amber=1/2 there!]
[Gleen, Ashly, Satoshi, Brucee=wake up to start mission!]
The plane lands safely on Nanna!
you hear arceus call out to you....follow my instructions.... Ashly..... and plus you don't have a ticket.....
The ticket giver: huh? Nanna? We've already sold out! A mysterious man with a Scizor already bought all the tickets! He never told us his name....
Arceus: Go home.... your pokemon has one......
Leafs gives Ashly a small box inside the box is a ticket.
[Ashly found a ticket! It seems to be a one-way flight to Nanna!]
The plane landed safely at Nanna.
Amber was getting a bagel at the nearby Sawsbucks with a lemonade when she saw Cy walk down the alleyway. She was actually surprised- nobody had been at the airport since she was there....
Nevertheless, he could not deny the strange dream he had. What was going on?
Help my Wounded Druddigon!
an Absol suddenly walked up to Satoshi. Something was in its mouth!
[Satoshi found a ticket! It seems to be a one-way flight to Nanna!]
there is barely anybody at the airport... Just Cy, Amber, and Ashly. Maybe that Man with a Scizor is behind all this?
Amber clearly saw Ashly. Of course, she never really talked to people she couldn't trust. And Amber doesn't even know these people...
A vulpix looks at Gleen and jumps onto Gleens lap. It gave Gleen something....
[Gleen found a ticket! It seems to be a one-way flight to Nanna!]