Steele roared. It was terrifying, gut-wrenching sound, like a
broken machine and a monster were combined. Various sparks flew
from the area, and a lot of blood and snapped wires could be seen
as he became unconscious.
Hearing Steele fall limp, Chrome rushed down. She opened the door
cautiously, and looked at the broken area around his neck. "Bring
him to the lab, now." She ordered Tazuli.
I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your
“Fine...” Tazuli said as she carries Steele to the lab “why do you
just HAVE to have so much metal parts, you’re basically not even a
dragon anymore” Tazuli muttered
Chrome rolled her eyes. "Makes him easier to control. Put him down
on the table." She gestured to a a large table with thick chains
intended to hold ST33L3 down. Next to the table was a rolling
cabinet with various surgical equipment and spare metal parts.
I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your
"They weren't dragons to begin with. They are our tools, and should
do EXACTLY what we say." Chrome said while strapping ST33L3 down.
There was a few holes in the table which she connected the tubes on
his body to. They seemed to glow brighter when this happened.
I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your
“You’re a f****** idiot! Do you have absolutely no heart? Oh yeah
you never have one to begin with, and I don’t care if you fire me
because I don’t care! The only reason I haven’t quit yet was
because of that stupid contact I signed” Tazuli said
Chrome snorted. "Yes, when you sign a contract you really
should read the terms and conditions." She finished with the
last few chains on ST33L3, and was getting ready to start fixing
I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your
Tazuli sighs before walking out of the lab “this is probably the
worse mistake of my life but..” Tazuli grab a mini-voice recorder
she puts in her pocket, she quickly putting it back before Chrome
can see it “the next time I’m able to leave this place, I think
someone’s going to get arrested” she thought to herself
Chrome looked in Tazuli's direction and sighed frustratedly.
Shortly before beginning, she realized that she might need help and
reached for her radio. "Petri, I need you in the lab NOW. Over."
She spoke into it sternly. She was glancing at the unconscious
ST33L3, watching the fluid flow in the tubes on his body.
I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your
Chrome nodded. "Grab the metal and the tools. I want your help with
this." She gestured to ST33L3, who was still unconscious. The tubes
being connected the table and slowly flowing into him was eerie in
a strange, dark way.
I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your
“Well I’m pretty sure I won’t die if I was THAT weak, besides from
what I heard there was previous dragons that got captured by them,
it’s basically impossible to escape by the way, though I think
they’ll revive that guy” Gale said
Chrome looked at ST33L3. "Idiot." She sighed. "Pass me one of
those." She pointed towards the metal in Petri's hands, holding a
saw used to cut metal in her own hands.
I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your
(It’s just his thing that not even me, the person who created this
dragon, understand about him)
“Because when you get in a fight, the weak one dies, and you could
be in a battle anytime, we just haven’t been able to experience a
battle yet, besides if you weak you basically lose every argument
ever” Gale said
"Petri. I said GIVE that to me." Chrome pointed to the metal Petri
was holding again, looking frustrated. More sparks flew from the
broken area on ST33L3's neck, and his limbs twitched. Some blood
oozed from the area, staining his smooth steel scales with the red
I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your