Forum Thread
Asian Sprite Shop
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Asian Sprite Shop
My computer broke down and I am using iPad. Business will start again when I get a new computer.

TehEpikGuy x2






Total: 48,500

Note: This is originally created by me (AsianAnimator). Any one caught selling it in a shop will be forced to take it down.
Note: This is originally created by me (AsianAnimator). Any one caught selling it in a shop will be forced to take it down.
Note: This is originally created by me (AsianAnimator). Any one caught selling it in a shop will be forced to take it down.
Please Note
Subscribe to this forum thread because I will post the finished sprites here.
Please fill in the exact details of pokemon you want. (Especially for Fusions and Pokemon Parties)
e.g Ho-Oh onto Suicune
e.g Trainer Dawn, Piplup, Starly, Bidoof, Shinx, Budew and Kricketot
For The Killer sprites, only pokemon with hands can be allowed to be sprited (Duh!)
For Eye Aura sprites, Pokemon without eye color are allowed to be sprited but you need to fill in the remarks as the color that you want.
e.g Blue Eye Aura
The password is MismagiPuff.
If possible, please include the pokemon dex number.
e.g Vivillion (666), Bulbasaur (001), Sylveon (700)
For Avalugg Stage sprites, Pokemon in the Black, White, X and Y generations cannot be sprited due to the lack of different posed pictures.
For Inferno sprites, different colors may be used
For Shiny And Original sprites, you have a choice of choosing black or white background.
For Gijinka sprites, please include the picture/name of the trainer
You can order by Palpad-ing, posting here in this forum or Pming me.
Also, please don't double post as it is against the rules.