Nobu sighed. What was going to happen to his dad- no Kipsh . what
was going to happen to him now. He didnt want to think about any of
Surely they´d be looking for him too if Kipsh or Lumio went to jail
Luke smiles back. "Who wants this thing called sweetish fish.
They're so delicious." he says. He rolls off the table and then
starts heading out of the lab. should I make something
unexpected happen and take Luke away, do a time skip to 5 years
later, then bring him back?
Kipsh "I'm sorry... For everything I done....I didn't want to hurt
you...." he was crying...... Nobu was like son to him.
Bizz goes after Luke "be careful and don't lose for shell again"
Luke says back, "I won't. That only happened while I fell out of
that window." he said and points to the tallest window. He goes to
the lake to get the treats.
Kipsh "please don't .... You a better man than I... Goodbye I hope
you will have a great life". he broke his phone...ans started too
walk towns direction. He will go to police.... He will lie that he
works alone...
Bizz "Why did you went though window... What happen??? "
Did he just hang up on him? He tched a little brushing a hand
through his hair. This could not be the end. This just couldnt ..
he didnt want to believe it
Kipsh kept walking "I going to get what I deserve...Stay with Nobu
he need somebody to look after him"
Bizz "So you tried to get that baster"