Bizz "some where in "Bambo" base... Luke is still healing .. We
could look for other pokemon in the forest maybe I would like to
help us out...we Could destroy their base too. "
Kipsh come in the room where was Nobu, Latias and Eclipse "What
happen here??"
Bizz looks down "not really..... "
“I’m not sure how we can do it, we don’t know where their base is
so we can’t help Eclipse, we don’t know anyone who we can help,
it’s the worse!”she said
Kipsh looked shock "Could tell me more?"
Bizz"yea" she looks down sadly "I swear if I see more of those
humans...... They will regret coming here "
Eclipse looked slightly upset when Kipsh came in, and sniffled.
"N...n...n...number happened." She stuttered,
starting to cry again.
I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your
“If I see anymore of the humans I will just transform into whatever
Pokemon that is strong against the ones they have, they will pay
for what they did”Sylvie said
Kipsh "oh... He did this"..... He turn back and started walking
back to the lab "Number 1 come with me"... nr.1 flew to Kipsh...
"it's appears I need to fix something" he looks at nr.1 with a
smile... nr.1 looks a litter bit scaried.