Rp Name:Calypso
Age: 14
Species (eevee, glaceon, sylveon, vaporeon, etc.):Espeon
Crush/Mate ; none since she's not very sociable...
Backstory: Not many know, since she's very quiet.
Rage || More
rage || Ultimate
rage"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about
something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin
color, your sexual preference or otherwise." - Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Argonaut wandered through the forest to find a pokemon to converse
with. He was slowly getting tired with all the pointless exploring
so he chose to rest a bit under a tree. He got up instantly after
he heard some noises near another tree. While walking near the tree
Argo sniffed the air and came to a conclusion that there were other
eeveelutions behind the tree. Argonaut peeked at the very side of
the tree which he presumed was a pecha berry tree due to the sweet
bark that it grew and smiled as his eyes landed on a Flareon and
Glaceon. He decided to spy on them for a while so Argonaut jumped
high enough and landed on a branch of the pecha berry tree. He
continued to observe the eeveelutions and was amused at how hungry
they were.
Moon began to slowly walk through the woods, her thoughts were
empty. She did not know where she was
" so.....much....someone"
*Moon collapsed*
Lightning watched as the two eggs were put into the nursery, he
smiled and decided to go out and hunt , he said sorry to the
margikarp he caught and the poor deerling he took down with
thunder. with difficulty he dragged them btoh back.
It's okay to be a glowstick, sometimes we need to break before we
Angel was wondering through the forest looking for something to
fight. Instead, she happened upon the collapsed moon. She poked at
Moon with concern. "Are you alright? Hey! What's wrong?" She
panicked slightly at seeing the collapsed umbreon. She wondered if
a wild pokemon may have attacked her.
"My name is Angel. I'm from the eeveelution clan just outside the
forest." She bowed her head slightly to the umbreon. She was still
concerned, but for the moment she felt more at peace. "I'm so glad
you're okay... What we're you doing out here anyways?"
"um.....i'm Moon, i can't remember who i am or where i am. But all
i can remember is my name......... when i try to remember my head
hurt. Um.......can you please help.... me?"
Angel smiled sweetly at the umbreon, "Sure, why don't you come with
me to the clan. They can fix you up a safer area to sleep and some
food." She genuinely wanted to help the umbreon and knew that her
clan would take her in easily.
Auraora slowly walked back to the camp putting down some food in a
pile area "it was hard tog et past that charizard from flame
clan"Auraora though then layed down in her den and wondered where
her brother went (Auraora's brother is a new charater .3.)