"Hello dime"Auraora said She put the eggs in the nursey with all
the others then looked up and seen it was getting close to ngiht
time "its getting close to dark we should sleep"
A Vapereon went up to auraora telling her a forest fire has started
"Send out your team so we can stop the fire"Auraora said The
vapereon went into the forest with its team (Auraora is control of
the teams,the leader can be steel .3.)
Auraora went to where the forest fire was,seeing the vapereon's
team take it out "Good,if we didn't stop it it could destroy the
forest"Auraora said She then went baack
Auraora went to a serect place and got out a book with pictures and
many words written in it "The history of the eeveelutions clan will
be serect in this book"Auraora said to the leafeon that followed
Steel ran and was tackled down. "Well well, why isn't it Steel, the
Jolteon!" A Jolteon named Spark said. Then the pokemon from the
beach shot a ice beam at Spark.
Auraora then closed the book and went on the way to cmp with the
leafeon then seen a charizard flying in the air "They must of found
us we got to run!"Auraora said She and the elafeon ran
Steel continued his journey to the beach. He stopped and started a
camp. He saw a Walrein. "Wally! It's been a long time!" Said Steel.
"Steel, that Jolteon nearly got you!" Replied Wally. They setup
camp and took a nap.