"I heard about that one too." He muttered, as he continued, he
seemed good at copying. He brushed some of his hair out of his
sight and also kinda fixed his glasses as he handed Kou´s notes
back to him
Kou grab his notes and put it into his backpack”I think today they
sell cookies,don’t want them to sell out before we can get any,come
on”Kou started heading towards the cafeteria
he got up and walked over, his normal.. well lazy speed was quick
enough to reach the counter before the other students would storm
out of their classrooms
"Ha." Catrina said. She had a smug look on her face. She shifted
back into cat form. She jumped on the counter. "Well, I'm still
faster." she said, smirking.
His smile has a grip on me <3
Agent Fallows, signing out~
“I want to check out that spirit in the rumour,it might actually be
true”Kou looks outside the nearby window that shows the school
garden,Tazuli was hiding behind a tree eavesdropping on them before
realising they are exorcist
"Eh, I'm just going to curl up and take a cat nap probably."
Catrina said with a yawn. She shifts her form back to cat. She
hears what Kou says. "Ooh, can I join you?" she asked, eyes
sparkling and full of mischief.
His smile has a grip on me <3
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Mh yeah good Idea" he said, nodding a little, adjusting his glasses
once more. Next time he surely was going to grab some hairpins and
maybe something to keep the glasses on his head
The bell rings and the students starts to head back to class”Time
to head back to class,don’t want to get detention”Kou starts
sprinting towards their class”race you”