Forum Thread
Actually playing co-op as co-op needs an incentive added to
Forum-Index → Discussion → Actually playing co-op as co-op needs an incentive added toBut I have Red. I have Cynthia. I have a maxed out Mew & Mewtwo for extra damage. I have the sync pairs necessary to pull more than my own weight, so it's just easier for me to ensure that I clear each and every time rather than go into co-op and risk it. 9apps
And there lies the issue. This function pulls players out of the queue that were in there helping the newer players and returning players and less lucky players and everyone else in between that can't just pull 9 units out of their ass to solo the event.
Simply put, players need an incentive to play co-op modes with other players, whether it's bonus tickets for being deemed the team's MVP, or some other currency or even gems on a daily cap, so that the players who aren't able to clear it on their own or with the AI teams are still actually able to clear the content without having to grind out 15000 tickets on normal difficulty.