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My New Introduction

Forum-Index Introduce yourself My New Introduction
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Tue, 31/03/2020 06:09 (4 Years ago)


Haha sorry… I get excited sometimes!
Anyways, It's been a while since I've been on here and I've grown a LOT since then, so it's only natural that I literally had to change EVERYTHING…
So therefore, I'm going to make yet another introduction post for everyone who's seen me around on the forums but don't really know what to think of me yet!
Onto the real intro now!

My Likes/Interests

1. Pokémon

I've been into Pokémon for really as long as I can remember, which makes it really immensely special to me. This is actually the reason why I joined Pokeheroes in the first place. I actually kind of remember a memory from quite a long time ago, where I would get home from school each day and watch Pokémon, and even binge watching Pokémon every time I got bored. So yeah I guess I kinda like Pokémon… also I should probably warn you that I do indeed want to marry both Jessie and James from team rocket…

2. Ensemble Stars

Okay so Enstars is a little more recent of a favorite of mine, but the boys are just so amazing I fell in love with it immediately. For those of you who don't know, Ensemble Stars is both an anime and a game! In the game, you collect cards of the boys and go on missions and fun stuff like that! The anime is kinda self-explanatory and it's pretty good if you wanna know more about the characters since currently there is no english translation for the Ensemble Stars game. My favorite idol group in the game is UNDEAD which includes one of my favorite characters, Rei Sakuma, who is my profile aesthetic currently on everything! My other favorites are Ritsu Sakuma (Rei's little brother), and Natsume Sakasaki (edgy pentagon boy).

3. Danganronpa

So yeah I guess I just like kinda dark things? Anyways, kiddos do NOT play or watch Danganronpa gameplay if you get easily rattled. It will literally crush your heart every time you play it… Anyways my favorites from Danganronpa are Gundam, Chiaki, Monokuma, Mikan, Ibuki, and Touko/Genocide Jack. Please don't spoil me for anything after class trial 1 in Goodbye Despair I literally beg you.

4. Vocaloid!
Oh god! I love vocaloid! I've been jamming to vocaloid songs ever since I was in like middle school. I've only listened to a small handful compared to the gigantic amount of songs there are, but the songs I've listened to so far are literally amazing. My favorite vocaloids are Vflower, Gakupo, Kaito, Rin and Len, Fukase, and Teto (I KNOW SHE'S UTATU BUT I LOVE HER). My favorite songs are Servant of Evil by Kagamine Len, Tokyo Teddy Bear by Kagamine Rin, And Then There Were None by Gumi, Shama by Vflower, and 1,2 Fanclub by Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Len.

5. Utaite

Okay so this is a little repetitive, I know, but utaite is just so good! They're all so adorable and amazing at singing! My favorite utaites are Mafumafu, Soraru, Nqrse, Uratanuki, Amatsuki, E ve, Miyashita Yuu, and Reol. My favorite utaite songs are Onegai Darling by Nqrse and Uratanuki, Mrs. Pumpkin's Comical Dream by Luz, Nqrse, Soraru, and Mafumafu, ECHO cover by Mafumafu and Nqrse, Wozwald by Miyashita Yuu, Villian by Miyashita Yuu, raison d'etre by E ve, As You Like It by E ve and Instant Heaven by Nanawoakari and E ve. It's a lot but I really like my utaites!

6. Harry Potter

Now, Harry Potter also holds a very immensely dear spot in my heart. I've been watching the Harry Potter movies since I was born, and read all the books 1 1/2 times!! I think I must have watched all of the movies 50+ times over! I've shed many many tears over this franchise and made many friends using it too! My favorite characters actually change depending on if it's in the books or in the movies. I honestly kinda like the books better but eh I love both so it's good. My favorite book characters are Harry, Draco, Snape, and Neville. My fave movie characters are just Draco, Snape, Neville, and Lucius. Even though Lucius is a terrible person I fell in love with his hair… oops?

So yeah that's really all I both have the patience to code and remember currently! Check in later for some more fandoms I'm a part of if you'd like!

nikolas he/it xxx
xestp 8w7