Forum Thread
Fnaf Pizzeria Pokemon Rp
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Fnaf Pizzeria Pokemon Rp"The man didnt entertain the children, he KILLED them. Ever since that day, Aubrey had grown depressed, pushing people away, saying it was her fault those children died. She broke up with me one day out of the blue. I hadnt know why, but i did later. She had scrapped herself, and that day a little but of me broke inside. I never let anyone get close to me anymore, and I was eventually put in the warehouse for snapping at an employee."
"Until today, i hated everyone and everything, but when i met you, i realized there is hope. So thank you. so very much," Lucky was crying at this point.
Bun: *watches*
Golden Freddy: *tps to the office*
Gold: *uses hand motions has a ask to who he can fix first*

Bun; *is a little worried*
Golden Freddy; *tries to see where springtrap is from fazbear fright on the cameras*
Gold; *keeps waiting for their response*

Bun; *is watching them being fixed*
Golden Freddy; *keeps looking for springtrap in the cams* where are you you dumb rabbit?
Gold; *nods and begins fixing ryder* teddiursa (yep)