Forum Thread
Fnaf Pizzeria Pokemon Rp
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Fnaf Pizzeria Pokemon RpBun; *hops to where he was and waits for gold*
Golden Freddy; *shifts his eyes to where springtrap put his had on his shoulder* hmph....
Gold; *walks towards bun and begins to fix him*

Raven; *looks up at the carousel* sure
Bun; *is being fixed*
Golden Freddy; *nods and still has a mad look* fine
Gold; *begins to attach his arm*

(flip i did semi lit without realizing it. Curses)
After a few games (that springtrap lost) he notices Ryder and Raven on the carousel. "Oooooooo new friends. Come on goldy."
Raven; *is having fun riding the carousel and has a gentle smile*
Bun; *his ears go down a little while the arm is being attached*
Golden Freddy; *also notices raven and ryder and his ear twitches* oh boy....
Gold; *attaches his face on him*

Raven; *sees springtrap and goldy and accidently falls off the carousel with a thump* n-no.... i-it cant....b-be....
Bun; *stays still*
Golden Freddy; *looks at raven* calm down....he's just a 'old pal' of mine....
Gold; *begins to make sure the face is attached and arm*

Bun; *touches his attached face and his ears perk up happily*
Golden Freddy; *remembers the bite of 87 and shakes his head* p-plz dont remind me of that....
Gold; *attaches his paw on his endoskeleton paw*

Raven; *doesnt say anything and her ears are still down*
Bun; *is still getting fixed*
Golden Freddy; *sighs and doesnt want to remember what happened*
Gold; *is finished fixing bun and smiles*

Ryder: *walks out* come on raven, lets get out of here.
Springtrap: Well that was eventful. *looks over at Golden Freddy* Welp, wanna go back to- Are you alright Goldy?
Raven; o-ok.... *also walks out with her ears still down*
Bun; *is fixed and hops happily* buneary [thanks]
Golden Freddy; *shakes his head again* yeah im fine....
Gold; *nods* teddiursa [no problem]

Bun; *hops back to the warehouse*
Golden Freddy; *his ears go down and remembers the incident while shut off* it wasnt my fault that the child died because of what i was his brother....
Gold; *leans his head on him and powers off*