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Ranger's Shiny Forest (CLOSED)

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Shiny Hunting Ranger's Shiny Forest (CLOSED)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Sat, 01/02/2020 03:48 (4 Years ago)
Hey guys!

I'm opening up a new shop. I'll be posting Shinies/Slots that will be open and available during the course of my hunt. I'll be listing which shinies and regulars that will be the monthly theme and will be doing this as much as possible. Since February will be the start of my shop, I'll be starting with five slots for shinies and open ended for regulars. You can post here for interest in shinies and either pokepad/comment/post here for regulars.

All will be offers in Global Trade Station. I also have extra boxes and keys that I'll be listing in between so make sure you specify which poke slot you want.

Since this is a new shop, I have decided on lower prices at this time. Combee will be either 200k PD or 120 nuggets.

February 2020 Hunt:

Shiny Combee 0/5
Regular Combee

Prices for regular Combee are flexible and will be strictly PD or mystery boxes. This way there is no competition for spending nuggets. Combee are highly sought after so make sure you reserve a spot ASAP so I can put you down.

Wish me happy hunting!

Order Form:

Please list the following

Number of Poke:
Which Hunt Requested:
Payment Option/Offer:
Referred by:

I will be dressing up the shop with fun HTML coding at a later date. For now I'm simply concerned with getting slots filled by eager trainers.

Referrals...If you are a customer and you refer someone (THEY MUST ORDER) you will both receive 20k PD or 10 nuggets off the price of the shiny. This is a special running for my new shop to celebrate it's opening.

If you are a breeder and wish to join my shop please send me a PM or comment on my profile. I will not be open for other breeders for the first month but will be looking to expand. Thank you.
Schoolwork, writing, and shiny hunting. What could be better?
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Sat, 01/02/2020 05:43 (4 Years ago)
Shiny Combee Price this month...UPDATED

200,000 PD


120 nuggets

You will notice that the nugget price is cheaper than others are selling for and the PD is 50k under price. I will note that this will be for both male and female shiny combee. Since this is the first month of the shop opening, I decided on a special price for everyone! 8)

If you refer someone to me (there will be additional information) AND THEY ORDER - both parties will receive 20k or 10 nuggets off the listing price.