Forum Thread
Ren's Notes
Forum-Index → Diaries → Ren's Notes
•12:00AM - 12:10AM Your interactions: 3,986 >> IDK
•02:00PM - 02:10PM Your interactions: 4,265 >> 57 SCS tokens
•04:00PM - 04:10PM Your interactions: 4,049 >> 55 SCS tokens
•06:00PM - 06:10PM Your interactions: 4,052 >> 55 SCS tokens
•08:00PM - 08:10PM Your interactions: 3,643 >> 51 SCS tokens
•10:00PM - 10:10PM Your interactions: IDK >> 50 SCS tokens (208)

•New shiny Tapu!
•And traded an extra shiny retro for birb

•Caught at chain 32:

•1650/1951 word Helper
•Since the complete hangman helper is no longer available I'm adding new ones as I find them.
Six letters
Seven Letters
Nine Letters
Eleven Letters
Twelve Letters
Two Words

Bills House
Crystal Aron
Egg Group
Frosty Kecleon
Giga Lapras
Jangmo O
Maneki Espurr
Mega Coalossal
Prof Madno

•New shiny from SWT!

•Reached Gardner Level 67!

•12:00AM - 12:10AM Your interactions: 3,204 >> 47 SCS tokens
•02:00PM - 02:10PM Your interactions: 3,764 >> 52 SCS tokens
•04:00PM - 04:10PM Your interactions: 3,963 >> 54 SCS tokens
•06:00PM - 06:10PM Your interactions: 3,677 >> 51 SCS tokens
•08:00PM - 08:10PM Your interactions: 2,523 >> ??
•10:00PM - 10:10PM Your interactions: 3,843 >> ?? (505)

Caught at chain 147:
•Another Zeraora at 81,124 clicks! (2,872 on 3/15, 5,285 on 3/16, 9,505 on 3/17, 771 on 3/18, 7,720 on 3/19, 8,475 on 3/20, 8,848 on 3/21, 2,152 on 3/22, 6,167 on 3/23, 8,127 on 3/24, 103 on 3/25, 6,164 on 3/26, and 14,935 on 3/27).