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Tuna's Log 2.0

Forum-Index Diaries Tuna's Log 2.0
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Mon, 01/07/2019 22:00 (5 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Mon, 01/07/2019 22:00 (5 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Mon, 01/07/2019 22:00 (5 Years ago)

PokéHeroes' 6th Anniversary

The legendary Pokémon, Mew, has returned as a Dream World Event Plushie! It is available until July 19th and can be obtained by fulfilling Dream Point spending goals.
With every Mew Plushie that you obtain, the DP requirement increases. To get the first Mew Plushie, you have to spend at least 500 Dream Points at the DW Shop.
The 5th Mew Plushie that you get is a Shiny Plushie.

Starting on July 20th, everyone who claimed at least one Mew Event Plushie (during this event period) can obtain a Mew Egg at the Ancient Cave! The more Mew Plushies you obtain, the higher your chance is to get a Shiny Mew Egg!

Mew Plushie Event: 01/Jul - 19/Jul

| 1 | Dream Points spent: 500 / 500 ✓
| 2 | Dream Points spent: 1,500 / 1,500 ✓
| 3 | Dream Points spent: 2,250 / 2,250 ✓
| 4 | Dream Points spent: 3,000 / 3,000 ✓
| | Dream Points spent: 3,750 / 3,750 ✓
| 6 | Dream Points spent: 4,500 / 4,500 ✓
| 7 | Dream Points spent: 5,250 / 5,250 ✓
| 8 | Dream Points spent: 6,000 / 6,000 ✓
| 9 | Dream Points spent: 6,750 / 6,750 ✓
| | Dream Points spent: 7,500 / 7,500 ✓
| 11 | Dream Points spent: 8,250 / 8,250 ✓
| 12 | Dream Points spent: 0 / 9,000

Total Dream Points spent: 49,250 / 41,000

Special thanks to both bittersweet (now Shinigamii) and Yun_Zhong (now xiaogreen1123) for spamming me with a bunch of plushies and helping me increase my plushie collection ♥
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Mon, 01/07/2019 22:01 (5 Years ago)

Shadow Pokémon

Attention residents of Emera Town: There's been an outbreak of Pokémon that are surrounded by a strange dark aura today! This outbreak seems to be similar to a one that happened a few years ago in a distant region, called Orre. Back then, these Pokémon were called Shadow Pokémon. A brave trainer was able to save the Orre-region from these Shadow Pokémon back then, but their mysteries were never really solved. Perhaps the trainers of Emera Town can uncover their secrets once and for all?

Our local computer scientist and favorite nerd in town, Bill, has quickly developed a new device, called the Shadow Radar. This item makes it possible to find these Shadow Pokémon in the wild. It is available in the Item Shop after reaching Trainerlevel 20. You can either buy it with PokéDollars or with Nuggets.

Kanto Region

Bought x1 Shadow Radar for 500,000 and x4 Shadow Radar Limit Upgrade for 1,440 Nuggets total

Day 1: Species of the Day

Day 2: Species of the Day:

Day 3: Species of the Day:

Day 4: Species of the Day:

Day 5: Species of the Day:

Day 6: Species of the Day:

Day 7: Species of the Day:

Day 8: Species of the Day:

Day 9: Species of the Day:

Day 10: Species of the Day:

Day 11: Species of the Day:

Day 12: Species of the Day:

Day 13: Species of the Day:

Day 14: Species of the Day:

Day 15: Species of the Day:

Day 16: Species of the Day:

Day 17: Species of the Day:

Day 18: Species of the Day:

Day 19: Species of the Day:

Day 20: Species of the Day:

Day 21: Species of the Day:

Day 22: Species of the Day:

Day 23: Species of the Day:

Day 24: Species of the Day:

Day 25: Species of the Day:

Day 26: Species of the Day:

Day 27: Species of the Day:

Day 28: Species of the Day:

Day 29: Species of the Day:

Day 30: Species of the Day:

Day 31: Species of the Day:

Day 32: Species of the Day:

Day 33: Species of the Day:

Day 34: Species of the Day:

Day 35: Species of the Day:

Day 36: Species of the Day:

Day 36: Species of the Day:

Day 36: Species of the Day:

Day 37: Species of the Day:

Day 38: Species of the Day:

Skipped the Pokémons for today as they were repeats and couldn't be bothered to catch them

Day 39: Species of the Day:

Day 40: Species of the Day:

Day 41: Species of the Day:

Day 42: Species of the Day:

Day 43: Species of the Day:

Day 44: Species of the Day:

Day 45: Species of the Day:

Day 46: Species of the Day:

Day 47: Species of the Day:

Day 48: Species of the Day:

Day 49: Species of the Day:

Day 50: Species of the Day:

Day 51: Species of the Day:

Day 52: Species of the Day:

Day 53: Species of the Day:

Day 54: Species of the Day:

Skipped the Pokémons for today as they were repeats and couldn't be bothered to catch them

Day 55: Species of the Day:

Day 56: Species of the Day:

Day 57: Species of the Day:

Day 58: Species of the Day:

Day 59: Species of the Day:

Day 60: Species of the Day:

Day 61: Species of the Day:

Day 62: Species of the Day:

Day 63: Species of the Day:

Skipped the Pokémons for today as they were repeats and couldn't be bothered to catch them

Day 64: Species of the Day:

Day 65: Species of the Day:

Day 66: Species of the Day:

Skipped the Pokémons for today as they were repeats and couldn't be bothered to catch them

Day 67: Species of the Day:

Day 68: Species of the Day:

Day 69: Species of the Day:

Day 70: Species of the Day:

Day 71: Species of the Day:

Day 72: Species of the Day:

Day 73: Species of the Day:

Day 74: Species of the Day:

Skipped the Pokémons for today as they were repeats and couldn't be bothered to catch them

Day 75: Species of the Day:

Skipped the Pokémons for today as they were repeats and couldn't be bothered to catch them

Day 76: Species of the Day:

Day 77: Species of the Day:

Day 77: Species of the Day:

Note: Pokémon with gender differences - Venusaur, Butterfree, Rattata, Raticate, Pikachu, Raichu, Zubat, Golbat, Gloom, Vileplume, Kadabra, Alakazam, Doduo, Dodrio, Hypno, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Goldeen, Seaking, Scyther, Magikarp, Gyarados
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Mon, 01/07/2019 22:01 (5 Years ago)

Solar Eclipse Event

"These Pokémon love to jump really high, trying to block the sunlight. Don't look at them for too long!"

Event Distribution: 01/Jul - 14/Jul

Total Event Eggs Obtained: 5
Total Activity Points Earned: 125,971 / 143,000

Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Sat, 20/07/2019 00:56 (5 Years ago)

The Mystery of the Mew Plushie

Look, your Mew Plushie starts to glow!

Would you like to cuddle it?


Aww, that is very cute... It's so fluffy.

Oh, look what's there on the ground! Where did that come from?
You claimed the mysterious egg and placed it in your Party.

Got my third Shiny Mew this year! I will most likely sell my original shiny Mew and keep this one instead.

Show hidden content
Oh, hi Zucchini!
I see you recently hatched a special colored Mew! That is pretty cool, congratulations.
I wonder if the origin of an egg influences whether the Pokémon is shiny or not. A friend of mine once told me that he got most of his shinies from the Tall Grass, whereas someone else prefered the daycare breeding service. Or maybe it depends on the parents of a Pokémon egg?
Well, who knows.
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Sat, 20/07/2019 03:52 (5 Years ago)

Moltres Plushie Event: 20/Jul to 02/Aug

Spend more Dream Points at the Dream World Shop and get your own Event Plushie!
This Event Plushie is not available as a Shiny Plushie

Dream Points spent: 500/500
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Wed, 24/07/2019 00:11 (5 Years ago)

Beauty Contest: July 2019

Theme: Summer Sun | Allowed Pokémon: -typed Pokémon

By Emera Square
Results of last Beauty Contest:

Photo #1 - Rank 1 (Rating: 8.22)

You won 7500 Festival Points!
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2019 00:15 (5 Years ago)

Shiny Nidoran (f) / Shiny Cubone / Shiny Camerupt Plushie Event: 03/Aug to 16/Aug

Spend more Dream Points at the Dream World Shop and get your own Event Plushie!

[ Shiny Nidoran (f) plushie was a repeat from last time so I won't be spending the Dream Points needed for it ]

Shiny Cubone Plushie

Dream Points spent: 400 / 400

Shiny Camerupt Plushie

Dream Points spent: 400 / 400

Shiny Cubone Plushie #2

Dream Points spent: 600 / 600

Shiny Cubone Plushie #3

Dream Points spent: 800 / 800

Shiny Cubone Plushie #4

Dream Points spent: 1000 / 1000

aaaaa spending more Dream Points than necessary to return the favor to some friends ;w;
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Sat, 17/08/2019 19:49 (5 Years ago)

Shiny Quilava / Shiny Torterra Plushie Event: 17/Aug to 30/Aug

Spend more Dream Points at the Dream World Shop and get your own Event Plushie!

[ Shiny Quilava plushie was a repeat from last time so I won't be spending the Dream Points needed for it ]

Shiny Torterra Plushie

Dream Points spent: 600/600

Shiny Torterra Plushie #2

Dream Points spent: 800 / 800

Shiny Torterra Plushie #3

Dream Points spent: 1200 / 1200

Shiny Torterra Plushie #4

Dream Points spent: 1600 / 1600

asdjkl I keep spending more DP than necessary...
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Mon, 19/08/2019 01:00 (5 Years ago)

Summer Time Shaymin 2019

Shaymin is back in Emera Town and wants to make kind-hearted trainers a very special gift! After a one year break, Shaymin finally returns and brings back a good friend. You can obtain it as an Event Egg as one of Shaymin's presents! Start interacting now in order to have a chance to get one of these strongly limited gifts.

And as always: The Sky Gifts are available again as well! You can buy and send three gifts to your friends for a small amount of Pokedollar every day. These gifts contain random items; such as Berries, Gems and Poké Balls.

Shaymin's Gift:
This year, Shaymin will give you the choice between four different gifts:
A legendary Shaymin Egg, a Gracidea Flower (Forme-change item for Shaymin), a Shaymin Plushie (which has a 20% of being shiny) and a brandnew Event Pokémon Egg! The decision is up to you!

A wild Shaymin appeared!

A wild Shaymin suddenly runs towards you and stops right in front of your feet. It smiles up to you and snuggles closer to your leg.
It seems very thankful that you were sharing so much love to other Pokémon!

Oh, it seems to want to make you a gift!

Please select a Gift:

Shayming Egg | Mysterious Egg | Gracidea Flower | Shaymin Plushie

Shaymin Encounters:

Day 1: 19 Aug 2019
Shaymin encountered at 31,968 interactions | Gift: Egg | 50,081 Interactions total

Day 2: 20 Aug 2019
Shaymin encountered at 16,718 interactions | Gift: Egg
Shaymin encountered at 49,497 interactions | Gift: Egg | 50,573 Interactions total

Day 3: 21 Aug 2019
Shaymin encountered at N/A | Gift: None | 50,655 Interactions total

Day 4: 22 Aug 2019
Shaymin encountered at N/A | Gift: None | 51,522 Interactions total

Day 5: 23 Aug 2019
Shaymin encountered at 43,028 interactions | Gift: Egg | 51,010 Interactions total

Day 6: 24 Aug 2019
Shaymin encountered at N/A | Gift: None | 51,967 Interactions total

Day 7: 25 Aug 2019
Shaymin encountered at N/A | Gift: None | 37,014 Interactions total

Day 8: 26 Aug 2019
Shaymin encountered at N/A | Gift: None | 16,488 Interactions total

Day 9: 27 Aug 2019
Shaymin encountered at N/A | Gift: None | 30,046 Interactions total

Day 10: 28 Aug 2019
Shaymin encountered at 13,000 interactions | Gift: Egg | 31,010 Interactions total

Day 11: 29 Aug 2019
Shaymin encountered at N/A | Gift: None | 44,829 Interactions total

Day 12: 30 Aug 2019
Shaymin encountered at 28,361 interactions | Gift: Egg | 50,135 Interactions total

Day 13: 31 Aug 2019
Shaymin encountered at N/A | Gift: None | 27,429 Interactions total

Day 14: 01 Sep 2019
Shaymin encountered at N/A | Gift: None | 17,760 Interactions total

Day 15: 02 Sep 2019
Shaymin encountered at 1,065 interactions | Gift: Egg | 25,045 Interactions total

Day 16: 03 Sep 2019
Shaymin encountered at N/A | Gift: None | 31,664 Interactions total

Day 17: 04 Sep 2019
Shaymin encountered at N/A | Gift: None | 17,209 Interactions total

Day 18: 05 Sep 2019
Shaymin encountered at N/A | Gift: None | 17,334 Interactions total

Day 19: 06 Sep 2019
Shaymin encountered at 27,362 interactions | Gift: Egg | 31,664 Interactions total

Day 20: 07 Sep 2019
Shaymin encountered at 8,140 interactions | Gift: Egg
Shaymin encountered at 26,377 interactions | Gift: Egg | 36,704 Interactions total
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Sat, 24/08/2019 00:22 (5 Years ago)

Beauty Contest: August 2019

Theme: Love is in the air | Allowed Pokémon: -typed Pokémon

By Emera Square
Results of last Beauty Contest:

Photo #1 - Rank 1 (Rating: 8.96)
Photo #2 - Rank 8 (Rating: 7.80)

You won 10000 Festival Points!

aaa since I started participating again (in June), I got 1st place for 3 months in a row so far :>
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 01:33 (5 Years ago)

Zapdos Plushie Event: 31/Aug to 13/Sep

Spend more Dream Points at the Dream World Shop and get your own Event Plushie!
This Event Plushie is not available as a Shiny Plushie

Dream Points spent: 500/500

Zapdos Plushie #2

Dream Points spent: 1000/1000
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2019 17:42 (5 Years ago)

Shiny Manectric / Shiny Mawile / Shiny Pidove Plushie Event: 14/Sep to 27/Sep

Spend more Dream Points at the Dream World Shop and get your own Event Plushie!

[ All plushies were repeats from last time ]

Shiny Pidove Plushie

Dream Points spent: 400 / 400

Shiny Pidove Plushie #2

Dream Points spent: 400 / 400

Shiny Pidove Plushie #3

Dream Points spent: 600 / 600

Shiny Pidove Plushie #4

Dream Points spent: 800 / 800

Shiny Pidove Plushie #5

Dream Points spent: 525 / 1000

aaaaa spending more Dream Points than necessary to return the favor to some friends :>
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Thu, 19/09/2019 15:25 (5 Years ago)

Mega Braviary Event

"New mega evolution: Mega Braviary has been discovered - be the first one to get it!"

Event Distribution: 19/Sep - 02/Oct
Total Event Eggs Obtained: 3
Total Activity Points Earned: 41,152 / 60,000

Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Mon, 30/09/2019 21:22 (5 Years ago)

Shiny Rattata / Shiny Crabrawler / Shiny Dedenne Plushie Event: 28/Sep to 11/Oct

Spend more Dream Points at the Dream World Shop and get your own Event Plushie!

[ Shiny Crabrawler and Shiny Dedenne were repeats from last time ]

Shiny Rattata Plushie

Dream Points spent: 400 / 400
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Sun, 13/10/2019 07:42 (5 Years ago)

Shiny Mega Gengar / Shiny Raichu (Alolan) Plushie Event: 12/Oct to 25/Oct

Spend more Dream Points at the Dream World Shop and get your own Event Plushie!

[ Shiny Mega Gengar was a repeat from last time ]

Shiny Raichu (Alolan) Plushie

Dream Points spent: 600 / 600
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Mon, 14/10/2019 00:43 (5 Years ago)

Selunar Event

"First winner of our public Event Spriting Contest. Submission by -Banette-"

Event Distribution: 14/Oct - 24/Oct

Total Event Eggs Obtained: 4
Total Activity Points Earned: 40,428 / 68,000

Congratulations, you have collected enough Activity Points to claim the Event Pokémon!

| Selunar | Solastra |

Note: To unlock the secret evolution method, place both Selunar and Solastra in party and 'orbit' them. Both pokemons will fuse and one will be lost uwu

Solastra + Selunar ⇒ Eclipseon
(Need another Selunar since I fused mine with Solastra)
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Sun, 27/10/2019 01:06 (5 Years ago)

Halloween Event

Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!
It's Halloween time - so get dressed up as a ghost, vampire or zombie and scare other residents of Emera Town to get some tasty sweets!
As every year, you can collect Halloween Sweets by interacting, 'trick or treat'ing other members or by rumbling (requires a special upgrade item). These Halloween Sweets can then be exchanged by very rare Event Items, Event Pokémon and adorable Giratina Plushies!

This year we have two new Event Pokémon available that were created by our members Tesoro (Plaguekrow) and Mafia (Mega Crobat) in our Event Spriting Contest!

Trick or Treat Skills
Level: -

Items bought:
Explorer Halloween Upgrade | x100
Creepy Doll | x200
Scary Glasses | x300
Large Candy Bag | x500
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Thu, 14/11/2019 06:22 (5 Years ago)

4 Year Anniversary
A whole year wasted on PokéHeroes. yay!

By: Anniversary

You've been a member on PokéHeroes for more than 4 Years now!

Thanks for being a member on PokéHeroes!

Please choose a cake or cupcake to celebrate your anniversary:

Ended up choosing Cheese Cake this year