Coughing and weezing August grabbed his wand, but he couldnt cast a
spell as he lost his voice. Ham was shaking in the little pocket.
Turning, August tried to find another way out and then saw
Lavender. Smilling, he blinked, losing strenght before all went
His eyes flickered as he heard Lavender yelling near him. Coughing,
he started coughing as he couldn’t breathe. Alarmed, he tugged at
his throat with his hands trying to get air in his lungs. Choking,
he went turned a dangerous purple.
As air came flowing back, he took big gulps of air as he started
gagging. Ham rubbed himself on his chest to try to confort August.
Slowing his breathing, August closed his eyes, heart beating fast.
« Thanks for saving me Lavender »
Blue saw the noivern fly away and found lavender.” What the heck
just happened? Who was that? Why did he take Magnus and Thana?”
Blue said in a panick. Eevee went to see in August was alright.
Avatar made by SilverDragonLK
This Badge was awarded to Bluedragon03
for their groundbreaking battle on 10/13/18.
Lavender sighed. "When ibstarted being the headmostress i had to
expell a student. And that person with theor pokemon is the one i
expelled. I dobt know why he would tale young Magnus." Shebsaid not
having any memory of thana.
“That is what I thought.” He said,” but why would she side with
him?” “He also did something to his noivern. I got a close look at
it and something was definitely strange.”
Avatar made by SilverDragonLK
This Badge was awarded to Bluedragon03
for their groundbreaking battle on 10/13/18.
"Nothing happened to me August. But a girl name thana has never
enteter this school. I think magbus said hebhad a twin that died
during a fire thiigh." Lavender said. "I wasnt hit with a spell
aside from the expelled student." She said
“Ok then.” Blue said, still convinced it was spell during the
fight.” Well we should probably go find them considering the school
is half burned down.”
Avatar made by SilverDragonLK
This Badge was awarded to Bluedragon03
for their groundbreaking battle on 10/13/18.