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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Comet and Aqua

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Comet and Aqua
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Fri, 13/06/2014 22:31 (10 Years ago)
NOTE: This is not a Creepypasta.

This story is based on PMD: Blue and Red Rescue Team, and all information in this story is directly from the games. The characters Comet and Aqua are characters of mine and not of other users.

Chapter 1

Where am I?
Am I dreaming this?
I feel a pleasant breeze.
...I hear a voice from somewhere...
I wonder who it is? Lily? Star? No faces come to mind when I think those names. Who are they?

"... Hey, get up. Come on!" The voice says, and something hits my side. I open my eyes to see an orange reptilian creature in front of me.

"Good, you're up!" She says.

Wh-where is this..? I think, looking at the forest around us.

"You were conked out here when I found you. Nice to see you awake!" The reptile says to me. "I'm Comet, nice to meet you!"

I look at Comet, taking in her bright blue eyes and shining scales. The fire on her tail glows brightly. She notices me eyeing her, and then addresses me; "...And who are you? I've never seen you around before."

I explain what little I know to her, and she looks at me like I'm crazy. "Huh? You're human? But you look like a normal Mudkip to me."

I look over myself, and discover that it's true; I have become a Mudkip. Why? I'm not sure. I can't remember anything.

"Well, you're pretty strange," Comet says, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What's your name?" She asks again.

My name, is Aqua.

"So your name's Aqua, huh?" Comet says, smiling. "That's a really weird name!"

Look who's talking, I think, glaring at the Charmander. I'm cut off as another voice calls out in the woods.

"Somebody! Please! Help me!" The voice calls.

"Huh? I hear shouts from that way..." Comet starts, before a butterfly-like creature flys past us. "What's wrong?" The Charmander asks the Butterfree.

"It's horrible! My Caterpie fell into a cavern! My poor baby!" She cries, shocking both of us. "A huge fissure opened in the ground, and my Caterpie fell in! He's too young to crawl out by himself! When I went to get my baby, Pokémon suddenly attacked me!"

"What?! You were attacked by other Pokémon?!" Comet gasps, wide eyed at this.

"They must be enraged by the fissure...and out of control! That's what I think. I'm not strong enough to fend off those wild Pokémon... What will become of my baby?" Butterfree continues, beginning to weep. "Oh! What am I to do?! Oh dear, oh dear..."

"This sounds bad! We have to help!" Comet says, eyes glinting with determination. We run off towards the fissure, finding it not far from where I woke up.

The rocky ground was tough underneath my feet, roots and plants sprouting out in the walls. The cavern only went down deeper, sounds of other Pokémon echoing in the cave. Light shone down brightly from above, and traversing the dungeon was easy. Several Pokémon attack us, those that do are quite weak. It doesn't take us long at all to locate Caterpie.

"Waaaaah..." He cries as we approach him. "Mommy... Where are you..? Sniffle..."

"We're here to rescue you," Comet says, Caterpie turning around with teary eyes. "Your mom's waiting for you, let's go."

We lead him out, his eyes shining as he looks at us. Butterfree meets us as we exit Tiny Woods, embracing Caterpie immediately. "My baby's safe... I'm sorry, I don't know how I could ever thank you properly..." She says, tears leaking.

"C'mon, it's totally fine! It's been dangerous lately with all these sudden earthquakes. I'm just glad to see he's okay," Comet replies, shaking off the attempted thanks. She looks so cool as she says it.

"Please, may I have your names at least?" Butterfree asks us.

"I'm Comet. And this is Aqua," Comet tells her. Caterpie just stares at us intensely, eyes shining brightly. The adoring stares he gives us makes me kinda embarrassed. I like it though, I feel like a hero.

"Thank you! Comet and Aqua!" He finally says, making me blush just a bit more.

"I know it isn't really enough, but this is a token of our thanks. Please take it." Butterfree says, handing Comet an Oran, Pecha, and Rawst berry. "Thank you so much. Good-bye." She flies off with a great big smile, Caterpie crawling after her with a smile just as large.

"Thanks a lot for helping!" Comet says, turning to me. The sudden words shock me into silence. "You're pretty tough, I'm impressed. So... What's next for you? Have any plans?"

I don't have any idea where I am or how I got here, and so I have no plans whatsoever. I dumbly shake my head.

"...Listen, Aqua. If you got nowhere to go, you should come with me." I'm shocked by this sudden invitation, and quietly follow her.

When she finally stops, we are in front of a small house. It is surrounded by a small pond, with wooden bridges connecting the small islands. The wooden house is humbly made, but I feel at home just looking at it.

"This is the place," Comet says, and I just continue to look at it with bright eyes. I was inexplicably happy, conflicting feeling welling up inside of me. I was human, yet many of these emotions I felt were completely natural for me. These feelings, they must originate from my being a Mudkip.

My thoughts are broken through again by Comet's words. "You're impressed, aren't you Aqua? I thought so. This is a perfect place for you to stay. I was more than certain you'd like it." She walks up to the Mailbox, explaining how mail from other Pokémon was delivered here.

"You know, just like the fissure Caterpie fell into... For some reason there have been a bunch of natural disasters lately. Lots of Pokémon are suffering because of them. I want to help Pokémon in these tough times," She explains, looking out into the distance. For a Pokémon like her, I could tell she was a little out of her comfort zone, speaking from the heart like she was. "I want to help change things so all the Pokémon can live in peace. So, uh... Well, I liked how you handled yourself when we rescued Caterpie. Would you help me out by making a Rescue Team with me?"

I'm caught off guard once again by her words, she knows exactly what to say to startle me. "Aqua, with your help I'm sure we could become the world's best Rescue Team. So how about it?"

My thoughts were scattered by all that she's said to me, but one thought was grounded in my mind. I wanted to help Comet with her dream. I nodded my head confidently, her smile exploding on her face.

"Perfect! That's it then! We're partners in our Rescue Team from now on, Aqua! Glad to have you on board!" Comet says, dragging me into a hug that she breaks just as quickly. "So about a team name... We don't have one. Any ideas Aqua?"

I sit quietly for a minute, mulling over any possible names for the team. One name keeps reoccurring in my head, as if it needs to be the name. "How about, Fawnasia?" I say, even surprised that the words left my mouth. Her eyes take on a glint of recognition, as if she knows the word from somewhere. The glint disappears just as quickly, replaced by slight confusion.

"Fawnasia, huh? I like it! Rescue Team Fawnasia! Let's do good starting tomorrow!" Comet says, her happiness a reflection of mine.

And that is how
Aqua and Comet began their careers together
as a Rescue Team.

Please do not post in this thread. It is purely for the story. If you wish to contact me about it, please PalPad or PM me.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Sun, 15/06/2014 01:10 (10 Years ago)
Chapter 2

"...I'm still the same."

I stand up and stretch my small Mudkip body as I look around the small house I call my home. The wooden walls encircle a small island, even leaving room for small areas of water. The back of the house was open to let whoever was in the house look out the back. A small stone platform serves as a bed, and I find it fairly comfortable.

"The way I look... I'm still Mudkip. But why would I be transformed into a Pokémon?" I sigh, racking my brain for answers. "Hmm... I don't understand this at all..."

I yawn, still tired from the day before. Even if I wanted to, there was no way I could do anything tired like this. I curl back up on my bed and sleep for a while longer.

"Oof... I'm feeling refreshed!" I say to myself when I wake up again. "I still look like a Pokémon, but... Oh that's right. That Pokémon, Comet right? We decided to form a Rescue Team together... I wonder what she's doing. I should go out."

I walk out of my little house, only to find Comet asleep at the door. I tap her slightly, and she jumps out of fright.

"...Hunh?! What?" She cries out, looking around to find me. "Hahaha, sorry! I was so excited that I came out here at dawn waiting for you. I must have fallen asleep."

I stifle a laugh, and she returns with a large, cheesy grin. Such a smile seems familiar, although I'm not sure from where.

"Anyway... Today marks the start of our Rescue Team! Let's always do our best!" She says happily, and then her smile fades with realization. "...But anyway... We don't have any job offers yet... Hahaha..."

She quickly perks up, remembering something. "Oh yeah! Maybe there's something in the Mailbox!" She ran towards it, and yanked open the door. She pulls out a parcel, then turns back to me. "I knew it'd be there! It's the Rescue Team Starter Set! They always give you one when you start a Rescue Team."

She sets the parcel down, opening the lid. She in turn pulls out a Rescue Team Badge, a Toolbox, and an issue of the Pokémon News. She turns back towards me, eyes gleaming. "Yes! There are some good things in here!" She names off each object, explaining their purpose and putting the berries we got into the Toolbox. She then searches through the Mailbox again, frowning when there is nothing more to be found.

Suddenly, a Pelipper flys by and drops something in the Mailbox. I look inside and find a request from some Magnemite to save their friends. They were pulled into a cave by a magnetic force, and stuck together as well. Knowing Comet, we couldn't just refuse the request, and accept it immediately.

Instead of waiting a bit, Comet rushes us right towards Thunderwave Cave. The two Magnemite who had written the note were waiting outside the entrance, explaining where the other Magnemite were. We quickly head into the cavern to find and bring back the Pokémon. The cavern floor is tough but grassy, with plant life jutting from the stone walls around us. The Pokémon here are slightly stronger, but so are we. I find interest in the variety of enemies.

On the sixth floor of the dungeon, we find the two Magnemite stuck together in the cave. A small pond glimmers in the cavern, and I can feel the electricity in the air. Somehow, it feels slightly comforting.

"Oh there they are! Come on Aqua, let's get them out," Comet says to me, and we quickly carry them out of the cave and separate them. The four Magnemite spark with joy when they were reunited, each spinning and small bits of electricity coming off them as well.

"OUR BODIES SEPARATED. BZBZBZZ. REJOICE! BZBZBZZT!" One of the Pokémon says happily, not that I could tell which is which.

"YAY! BZBZBZZT!" Another cries in delight. The two spinning around even faster, resulting in Comet getting slightly shocked.

"BE THANKFUL, YOU TWO," One of the other Magnemite says, not scolding, but happily.

"YOU ARE OUR HERO. THANK YOU. BZBZBZZ!" The fourth Magnemite says to me and Comet. Somehow, I find myself blushing slightly at this praise. They hand us some poké, a Reviver Seed, and a Rawst Berry. Saying goodbye to the Pokémon, we head back home.

"I'm glad our rescue mission went well today," Comet tells me when we are back at the Team Base. "Since this was our first Rescue Mission as a proper team... I was pretty nervous to be honest. I'm exhausted now, I've got to get some sleep. Let's keep up our work, see ya."

Comet walks back to her home, while I walk into the base to get some sleep for tomorrow.

And this was day two
of us being a Rescue Team.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Tue, 17/06/2014 01:40 (10 Years ago)
Chapter 3

That night, I dream.

Where... Where am I?
Maybe... Is this a dream..?
...Oh? There's someone here.
Who is it..? Someone I know..?
Star isn't that strong yet...
And no face comes to mind again...
... Hmm... I can't remember.

"I think I dreamt something... But I can't quite remember it..." I mutter to myself as I stir out of sleep. "Oh well. Today's another day of rescues! I wonder if there's any mail... I'd better check the Mailbox."

I leave the house and walk to the Mailbox. I open the door to find nothing but air awaiting me inside. Comet walks up behind me as I shut the door.

"Morning Aqua! You're up early!" She says, still somewhat sleepy. "Oh! You checked the Mailbox, huh? Anything good in there?"

I shake my head sadly, no use sugar-coating these things. "What? Empty?!" She exclaims, totally upset. "Well, that makes sense. We are a new team. No one knows about us yet."

She shakes herself slightly, turning back to me. "Well, whatever. Wanna go to Pokémon Square? I'm sure there'll be some jobs posted at the Pelipper Post Office." She grabs hold of me and walks off towards the bridge near the base; I have no choice but to follow her to town.

We cross the bridge into the town, and I just try and take in the many stores and Pokémon in town. Colorful buildings dot the area, and just as many colorful Pokémon traverse the streets.

"This is Pokémon Square," Comet explains. She points out each shop to me, explaining in detail what they do. The Kecleon Shop that buys and sells goods. The Felicity Bank run by Persian, who keeps the money of teams safe. The Gulpin Link Shop that links moves... Whatever that means. She kindly explains, telling me that linked moves can be used in the same turn. She also points out Kangaskhan Storage, where a kind Pokémon keeps teams' items safe.

She then leads me farther through town and onto a cape. A large, Pelipper-shaped building stands on the edge. Comet points out that this is the Pelipper Post Office. A bulletin board stands in front of the building, covered in various papers. She also shows me that the papers are actually rescue jobs. I take a few, and we both leave town in order to fulfill these missions.

I dream again the next night.

...Again? Am I dreaming again..?
...It's that Pokémon again.
Huh? They're... talking to me..?
...I can't hear them clearly. What are they saying?

Huh? It's shaking. An earthquake..?
Whoa! This is getting bad.
This is weirdly real for a dream, but...

"Uh, hello?"
A voice wakes me up from my sleep. I stand up, looking around to find no one.

"Hello? Uhh... You are Aqua.. Aren't you?" I continue to search for the voice coming from inside my home, but I don't see any other Pokémon.

"...Oh! You can't see us, of course! How very rude of us!" Suddenly, a Pokémon, or trio, appears from the floor. I jump in fright, and they turn towards me. "We're pleased to meet you. We are Dugtrio."

"Last night, during the earthquake... Our child Diglett was attacked..." The Pokémon began. I was doing my best to pay attention, but I was still overwhelmed by how they came out of my floor!! "He was whisked away to the peak of a tall mountain. We couldn't possibly climb somewhere so high up... That is why we must call upon you for your help, Aqua."

"Wai-" I try to say, but Dugtrio cut me off just as I tried to speak.

"Diglett was abducted by a Pokémon named Skarmory. It's a violet vicious ruffian! Please do be careful. Please, we need your help! We must go!" He finishes talking and leaves before I have any time to possibly even reject the offer. Instead of dwelling on it further, I decide to just go outside and tell Comet.

Just as I leave the entrance, she walks right up to me. "Morning, Aqua!" She says happily, and I begin to explain what had just transpired. "Huh?! You just got asked to go on a rescue mission?" Her eyes glow as she hears my tale.

"Yes!" A familiar voice chips in from out of nowhere. Dugtrio pops out of the ground between me and Comet. "Our child, Diglett, was kidnapped! He was taken to Mt. Steel's summit! Please, we need your help! Bye-bye!" He explains quickly, then disappears.

"...Uh, OK..." Comet mutters, dumbstruck. "Let's go..." Instead of somehow luring Dugtrio back to the base with our lack of action, we travel straight to Mt. Steel.

"Here we are... Mt. Steel..." Comet says when we arrive. "So, Diglett was whisked to its peak..."

"That's right!" Dugtrio says, appearing in front of us. In a mix of shock and anger, I hurl one of our Gravelrocks at one of the heads. That particular head seems anger, but the others continue. "The peak is 9F. Thank you for helping. Farewell!" He once again disappears underground.

"Uh... Let's go..." Comet mutters, and we enter the mountain. The stark, stony walls stand around us, shadowing the floor of the mountain. Each floor shows no difference, the walls hanging above us and the Pokémon who lived in the mountain. After about six floors up, the surrounding change. The dark stone becomes lighter, and I see why it is called Mt. Steel besides the Steel-type Pokémon who reside in it. The peak of the mountain retains the dark stone of the lower floors, but the sky can clearly be seen through the craggy mountaintop.

"Look, Aqua! Diglett's over there!" Comet says, spotting Diglett on a ledge farther off. "Are you okay? We're here to rescue you!"

"...I.. I'm scared," Diglett says from the ledge, shaking.

Suddenly, a steel-clad bird Pokémon flew down from above, landing in front of us. "You! What do you think you're doing here?!" She cries.

"We're here to rescue Diglett!" Comet and I rebuke, ready to leap and rescue him.

"Skarmory! Don't do this! Release Diglett!" Comet says to the Pokémon.

"How dare you! It's their fault! I haven't slept in days because the earthquakes frighten me so! every night we had them! Those earthquakes ate caused by this brat's ilk running wild underground!" Skarmory rampages, swinging her head back and forth.

"That's not true," Comet argues. "We have had lots of earthquakes, but it would take more than Diglett's family to cause them."

"You be quiet! We'll fight if you keep that up!" Skarmory shrieks, wings flapping rapidly.

"She won't listen to reason, we'll have to fight this out," I say reluctantly. I had hoped we wouldn't have to fight, but Comet seemed determined to fight even with words. We battle the Skarmory, Gravelrocks and Embers flying through the air. Our enemy falls before us, taking enough damage to be defeated.

"Grr... I can't keep up!" Skarmory caws at us. "I'll flee for now!" She flies off away from us, giving us the time we need to rescue Diglett.

"Hey! We chased off Skarmory!" Comet calls to Diglett. "Come down from there, it's safe!"

"I can't... I'm too scared to move..." Diglett replies, still shaking.

"OK, no problem. We'll come to you. Just wait," Comet says, walking towards Diglett and the ledge. "...Whoa. Sheesh! Look at this cliff... I can't see the bottom!" Comet looks down at the ravine, leaning over. She begins to lose her balance, and I grab her tail quickly so she doesn't fall to her demise.

"Thanks," she says, while I nod. "But what'll we do? We can't get across this."

A familiar sound of electricity resounds in the air as the two Magnemite from the day before hover down to us. "BZBZBZZ!" They buzz as they descend.

"Hey, you're the Magnemite from the other day!" Comet says in realization.


"DON'T BE SCARED. WE WON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE OF ZAPPING YOU. BZBZBZZT!" The other says, and they both grab hold of Diglett. Hovering higher in the air, they lift Diglett out of the ground and over to us.

Back at the Team Base, we thank the Magnemite for helping us.

"Ohhh... I was very scared," Diglett says, describing what had happened to us. "Maybe because I was somewhere up so high... My feet feel like they're still walking on air..."

At this, everyone was confused.

Feet..? Comet thinks to herself.

Is that what those were? I think.

HE HAS THEM? FEET? One of the Magnemite thinks.

"Well your safe now, that's what matters," Comet says happily.

"Yes. Thank you very much," Diglett replies.

"Oh! You've been rescued! Great! Great!" A familiar voice calls out. Everyone but Diglett looks around, confused.

"Huh? What was that?" I ask out loud. "Am I hearing voices?"

"...Whoops! You can't see us?" The voice asks. "That's terribly rude of us!"

Dugtrio appears out of the ground between all of us. "Hello. Dugtrio here."

"Oh! Papa!" Diglett cries happily, a tear in his eye.

"Diglett! You had us worried! You're not hurt?" Dugtrio fusses over his son.

"Nope! It was scary, but I'm all right. It's all thanks to Aqua's team," Diglett says, praising me and Aqua. It once again doesn't fail to make me blush.

"Thank you for everything. You're heroes," Dugtrio thanks us.

"You should be thanking the Magnemite. This rescue would've been impossible without them,"Comet says, partially attempting to push the praise towards the Magnemite.

"Oh, how rude of us! Thank you so much!" Dugtrio says to the duo.


"I'm impressed. Sincerely, thank you," Dugtrio once again says, nodding his heads to the Magnemite. "We must be going. Aqua."

"Comet," Diglett says, finishing his father's sentence.

"Thank you," they both say. "Farewell!" The father and son duo disappear underground, leaving behind some poké, a Pecha Scarf, and some Ginseng.

As the Magnemite begin to leave, Comet stops them. "Uh..." she begins. "Would you like to join our team?"

"JOIN YOUR TEAM?" They echo.

"Yeah. We couldn't have saved Diglett without you guys. I think we may need help later on in the game. Right, Aqua?" Comet says, turning to me.

"Of course!" I say, agreeing with my partner.

"So, how about it?" Comet asks the Magnemite again. "Will you join our team?"



"...Umm... Well..." Comet mumbles, looking down. Apparently, we don't have anywhere they can stay.

"OH... THERE ISN'T..." The Magnemite says sadly. "TOO BAD. SORRY, BUT WE CAN'T JOIN YOU. SEE YOU! BZZ BZZ BZZ!" They both hover away, one of them hanging back slightly.

"That's too bad." I say glumly. Comet turns back to me.

"It looks like we need to find places for Pokémon to live if we want some to join our Rescue Team..." Comet mutters. She perks up quickly, obviously remembering something. "I know! Let's go to Pokémon Square tomorrow. There's this place called Wigglytuff Club, next to Felicity Bank. It wasn't open the other day, but it should be tomorrow. We may be able to get some imformation. Let's check it out in the morning, Aqua!"

And so,
we completed yet another mission
with the help of our friends.

Next, we would aim
to make many new friends.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Wed, 18/06/2014 17:26 (10 Years ago)
Chapter 4

Once again, I dream.

...Again...It's that dream again.
That Pokémon... Who could it be..?
Huh? I'm hearing better this time...
...What? Human? My role?

Wait... I hear another voice, calling my name...
What? I... I can't hear her...
W-wait. Please, don't go!
I can't... Drifting off...

I wake up, barely remembering the dream I had just woken from. I walk out of the base to find Comet walking up to me. She's gotten good at coming around when I wake up in the morning.

"Morning, Aqua!" She says. She looks at me while I yawn. "Haha, what's wrong? Still tired?

"I guess," I tell her. "I've just been having strange dreams lately. I just woke up from one."

"...Hmm? You've been having weird dreams? What's so weird about them?" Comet asks me. She looks kind of worried as she watches me.

"Well, a Pokémon comes to me in the dreams. I can't really tell what she's saying, but last night she said something about my role... Something I don't quite understand..." I explain what I can about the dreams, having forgotten about the second voice that had come to me last night.

"Hmm... Didn't you say you were actually a human, Aqua? Maybe these dreams are connected to you becoming a Pokémon," the Charmander suggests. Her words have a points, maybe these dreams do have to do with me being human. "So... What do you want to do? Do you want to be human again?"

It's true... I haven't even really thought about it... Do I want to be a human again, return to my old life? I... I'm not even sure...

"Huh? Is it really such a problem?" Comet inquires, snapping me back into the real world. "I'd hope so! It must be more fun to be with me!"

She laughs with that cheesy grin again. Something about that smile... Why is it so familiar?

"Anyway, we're supposed to go to Pokémon Square today. Don't you remember? Let's go," Comet leads me back to town and to that empty building from earlier. Today, a large, pink Pokémon stands in the stall.

"Welcome to Wigglytuff Club, where friends are treasures!" He happily greets us. "...Oh? Is this your first visit? I get it! You're a new Rescue Team too! You've come to the right place! I sell Friend Areas where members of your Rescue Team can stay! Since this is your first visit, I'll give you two for free!" He does this little dance, spinning around while singing a small song. Something tells me I'd get sick of it quickly. He hands us the deeds to places called Wild Plains and Mist-Rise Forest.

"BZBZBZZT!" A familiar buzzing sounds from farther in town. The two Magnemite from the other day hover right to us. "IF YOU'RE GIVING FRIEND AREAS AWAY... CAN YOU ALSO GIVE MY FRIENDS ACCESS TO THE POWER PLANT FRIEND AREA? I ALSO WANT TO JOIN THEIR RESCUE TEAM!"

"OK! Gotcha! I'm giving it away today! Wigglytuff~ Wigglytuff~ Let's be friends... Yoomtaaah!" Wigglytuff once again sings his little song, and hands us the deed to the Power Plant area as well.

Magnemite seems elated with the news that he can join, and sparks fly off his body. "YES! NOW I CAN JOIN THEIR TEAM! YAY! BZBZBZZT!"


"Wow! Don't forget that we asked you to join us. Of course we want you to join! Glad to have you on board!" Comet replies happily. The joy in the air is contagious.


"YEAH! I'LL TRY MY BEST!" Our new teammate replies. "YAY! BZBZBZZ!"

The two leave, and we follow after them once we've bought a few other Areas. When we reach the center of the Square, a cottony Pokémon is talking to what looks to be a Rescue Team.

"Please help my friend! Please, I need help!" The Pokémon begs the others.

"Forget it. We're not about to work for that," the leader denies. His leafy fans look awfully large for a Pokémon of his size. They're probably as big as his ego.

"But my friend needs a gust of wind!" The other continues.

"What's going on?" Comet asks a Pokémon beside us.

"Huh? This here?" He answers. "Jumpluff's begging for a Rescue Mission, but not finding much luck. See him?" The Lombre points to the leader in the middle. "He's a Pokémon named Shiftry. He leads that Rescue Team. But his team's greedy. They don't work unless they're paid royally. Jumpluff's been begging for help but... I feel sorry for her."

"Wait!" Another Pokémon calls out. Another group of Pokémon, probably a team, walks up to Shiftry.

"Wh-what do you want?!" Shiftry questions the one who spoke.

"It's Alakazam!"
"That's Alakazam?!"

"Hey. Rather cold hearted, aren't you?" The Pokémon referred to as Alakazam says to Shiftry. "To save Jumpluff's friend, a strong wind is needed. Your leafy fans can whip up powerful winds. It's an easy matter for you. Help that Pokémon out."

Shiftry looks around at the Pokémon in the Square, then sighs. "Grr... Tch! Fine, we'll do it." He runs off towards Whiscash Pond, his team following.

"That Shiftry agreed without any argument..."

"Who are those guys?" Comet asks Lombre.

"What? You don't know?! It's Alakazam's team!" He jumps, shocked at the question. I roll my eyes at this answer; we could have figured this much out. "They're the most famous Rescue Team in these parts." He points out each team member. "That's Charizard; his Flamethrower can melt mountains! That's Tyranitar; he takes pride in his armored body and great strength. And that's Alakazam, the leader. He doesn't like physical attacks; instead he uses his psychic powers. He's got an amazing brain and an IQ of 5,000. Apparently, he's memorized everything that's happened in the world. He does all the commanding in the team; he's clearly in charge."

"Th-thank you." Jumpluff flies up to Alakazam and his team.

"No need for thanks. It is only natural that you get help. If anyone turns you down again, come see me. Take care," Alakazam says to the Pokémon. They walk past us as they leave, and Alakazam stops after brushing me. He turns around to look at us, confusing everyone.

"What's up?" Charizard inquires.

"... It's fine. Nothing," Alakazam replies, turning away. "Let's go." The three leave, allowing us space to breathe.

"Whew! That was scary! Sheesh!" Lombre sighs.

"...C-cool..." Comet mumbles, eyes glittering. She obviously plans to aim for their heights. "We need to be like them!"
Yep, I was right.
"Let's recruit more members and make our team first-class!" She cheers.

A Pokémon watches us from behind a tree, beyond our sights. "Not if I can help it! Kekeh!" He mutters, then walks away...

Another day passes with Comet,
another day that I don't remember my life before...
I hope things continue as they have.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Tue, 24/06/2014 22:26 (10 Years ago)
Chapter 5

The next few days begin as usual. In fact, nothing new happens at all. We complete a few missions, and our Team Rank goes up as well.

A few days later, we have visitors at our base.

"Is this the place? Where that team named Fawnasia is based?" A Pokémon says, coming up to the base. We turn to find three Pokémon; Medicham, Gengar, and Ekans.

"There'ss nothing here," the Ekans hisses.

"Depressing, isn't it," the Medicham sighs sarcastically.

"Keh! Who'd run a Rescue Team from a dump like this? Unbelievable," the Gengar scoffs. I can already see Comet boiling silently. I decide to keep quiet.

"Who are you guys?" Comet asks them as they walk up.

"Oh! Over there. A Mailbox~" Medicham muses, ignoring us. The three rush towards it, pushing Comet back.

"Kekeh, yeah! Check it out!" Gengar encourages Medicham.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Comet demands from them.

"Yesss! Resscue Job offerss!" Ekans hisses with surprise.

"Oo-la-la! Isn't that rather tasty~" Medicham continues.

"We'll have them all," Gengar laughs with glee.

"Stop!" Comet growls at them. "Those were meant for us! Don't butt in!"

"Keh! It's doesn't matter who does it!" Gengar scoffs.

"We're a Rescue Team too, I'll have you know~" Medicham says pridefully.

"...But all we ever get up to iss no good," Ekans finishes. "Wanna know how it workss? If we have the cover of a Resscue Team, we can get away with sso much more!"

"We have our eyes set on world domination~" Medicham chimes in.

"Wha..?!" Comet and I both gasp.

"Kekeh! You heard right!" Gengar confirms. "That's why we're raking in cash and adding to our gang! The world will be ours! The Rescue Team of evil! Team Meanies is who we are!"

A have to stifle a giggle at the name. Team Meanies is the silliest thing I've ever heard of. Gengar doesn't miss this though.

"Yeah, and what's so funny?" He barks at me. Instead of waiting for an answer, he turns around. "Smell you later! Kekeh!" The team runs off, leaving us with an empty Mailbox.

"Wait a second!" Comet calls after them. "Grr... They ran off. What an unbelievable bunch." She runs to the Mailbox, opening it and checking inside. "Oh no! It is empty! They took everything!"

I, admittedly, begin laughing really hard at this.

"What's so funny?!" She asks me, face redder than usual.

"It's just that... Those were already completed," I explain. "I got lazy and didn't throw them away. I just folded them up and put them back into the box... Ha! They're going to try and do completed missions! Hahaha!!" I laugh so hard at my mistake, and Comet joins in with me.

Once we finally calm down, Pelipper comes by and drops off today's mail. We slowly breathe, and Comet gets riled up again.

"But those guys... They'd better not try anything if we see them again," She growls. "Either way, let's do great again today.

The next day, after completing a few missions, another visitor comes to us.

"Aqua! Comet!" We hear, as Caterpie waddles up to us.

"Oh, Caterpie? How've you been?" Comet asks happily. Caterpie doesn't look like he's come for a casual visit though.

"Please! Please help my friend!" Caterpie cries out.

"What's the matter?" I ask him.

"I was playing with my friend Metapod... But he got lost in the woods... He's still lost out there..." Caterpie explains, tearing up slightly.

"Oh, I see, I see! That does sound bad! Kekeke!" A horribly familiar voice cackles. Gengar and the rest of his bunch come running up to Caterpie.

"Hey! What do you jerks think you're doing?!" Comet begins to growl. I have to put a hand on her to keep her from leaping forward.

"Have no fear! We're here to save your chum Metapod," Gengar announces, to our dismay.

"Hold on! Caterpie came to us for help!" Comet yells out. I decide not to fan the flames by accident, literally as well since her tail was flaring.

"Keh! You think you can do this rescue with your amateur-level skill?" Gengar scoffs.

"What'd you say?!" Comet growls back. I get a bit worried for how far Gengar plans on going.

"It doesn't matter who does the rescuing, see? The one who does the rescuing gets to be the hero," Gengar explains in an irritating manner. "Listen, Caterpie. How about we do this? How about you give the reward to the team that brings back your chum first?"

"But I... I don't have any money..." Caterpie mutters.

"Oh, don't you worry about that! I'm sure we can persuade your parents to reward us with interest afterward, kekeh!" Gengar cackles. "Oh, yeah. You can join our team too. There's an offer you can't refuse." Caterpie looks shocked and horrified at this offer. "When you join us, Caterpie, we'll let you be a big wheel in Team Meanies, kekekeke!"

No one is smiling now. No one but Team Meanies.

"That's the deal, Comet. The first to rescue wins!" Gengar says, turning to Medicham and Ekans. "Come on, move! Let's get this done already!" The team runs off towards the dungeon, I think.

"Don't worry. We'll save your friend first," Comet assures Caterpie. "Aqua! Let's get going!"

Short Story:
The Third Member

On one of our earlier missions after buying our Friend Areas, we recruited a Pokemon that became the third Pokemon of our team. He would be one of our biggest assets, as well as one of the leaders of our team. Of course though, it began in a dungeon--Mt. Steel.

We had a bunch of missions occurring in that particular dungeon, so we packed out stuff and headed out. The rough stone and plain walls had not changed since we last entered, although the air around us had a different feel to it. It felt slightly more welcoming.

Plowing through the weak enemies as we completed the missions, one Aron kept a small distance. Even after a few floors, he kept following us. When I would turn around, he wouldn't be in plain sight, but he was always around. When we had only two missions left in the dungeon, he decided to confront us.

The Steel and Rock-type Pokemon didn't stand a chance against my Mud Slap, but he didn't run off like the others. His eyes sparkled as he looked up at me, admiration glowing brightly. It was obvious to the two of us; he wanted to join us.

We happily accepted the Aron, giving him the nickname "Baras."

"Why Baras?" Comet had asked me.

"It just came to me," I responded.

We brought him along for the rest of the missions, teaching him what and how things went on in our Rescue Team. He took in all of this information as quickly as he could to help us. Once the last of the missions was complete, we all exited the dungeon together.

As we were about to call it a day, Baras came back up to the two of us. "Please, let me help you more! I want to help all I can!" He begged us. His eagerness was not missed, and Comet and I quickly made our decision.

"Of course you can. You'll be our third parter," I said happily. Baras was almost bouncing in happiness, and Comet began to push him back towards where they both lived.

"See you tomorrow," She said to me.

"See you both," I replied, Baras' eyes glowing once more as they left.

And now, we have a third,
constant member of our team.
How can we not do our best?

I hadn't forgotten this, I just hadn't been playing the game as much lately. I'll try and keep the updates coming more.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Fri, 27/06/2014 19:36 (10 Years ago)
Chapter 5.5

After stocking up a bit on supplies, we make our way to Sinister Woods. At the entrance to the forest, Comet turns to me.

"This must be it. Metapod's somewhere in these woods," she says, confirming what information we have. "Gengar's gang should be in here already. We need to hurry."

As we enter the forest, the air is crisper than I imagined. Trees stand around in almost sparse walls, making it quite easy to maneuver the dungeon. A stream can be heard flowing deeper in, a comforting sound. Bug and Grass-type Pokemon live in the forest, easy prey for Comet. Progress is far from slow. Farther in, the trees begin to grow closer together, hiding the sun from view. Stronger Pokemon appear, but we continue on. The trees thin out again when we encounter the river I could hear, and I can't help but take a small dip. The tree line thickens once again as we begin to exit.

We come to a large clearing in the forest, close to the end of the dungeon. As we begin to continue, Gengar and his team come up from behind us.

"Keke! You know who's going to get to Metapod first? We are!" Gengar announces. I can see a small bit of embarrassment on his face since we beat him here. "So for you to go ahead... We can't let that happen."

Comet shakes her head, obviously annoyed. "Gengar, why are you always messing with us?"

"Oh? Didn't we tell you?" Medicham chimes in. "Our aim is world domination~"

"Caterpie'ss mama will give uss a generouss reward..." Ekans hisses. "And Caterpie will join uss too... That bringss uss closser to our goal."

"Keke! And for that, your lot is in the way!" Gengar says. "So sorry to say, but your party's over right here and now!"

Seeing the perfect opportunity, I decide to mess with them a little bit. "So, how were those missions you took from us? Get many rewards?" I ask. Gengar's face gets really red, a vein popping on his head.

"Yeah, that joke was really funny," he laughs sarcastically. "I'll be sure to pay you back extra for that stunt! Kekeh!"

Suddenly, we find ourselves in a battle against Gengar and his team. Truthfully, I could have seen this coming from a mile away. In a flurry of Water Guns, Embers, and Headbutts, we fight off Team Meanies and defeat them. They run off out of the forest, where I'm fairly sure I saw some pretty strong Pokemon lurking.

"No one should hold us back now. Let's go find Metapod!" Comet cheers.

"Um, excuse me..." A voice calls out from deeper in. A green Pokemon in a hard shell comes out from the woods, a Metapod. "Did you maybe come looking for me?"

"You must be Metapod," I say. "Let's get you home. Caterpie's worried about you."

"Yay! I was scared, so I kept my shell hardened...and waited and waited. Thank you!" He says to us.


When we return to the Team Base, Caterpie is awaiting us eagerly. "This is great! Welcome back, Metapod!" He says happily.

"Thank you, Caterpie!" His friend replies.

"And thank you, Comet and Aqua!" Caterpie says, turning to us. Once again, my find myself blushing at this praise. After all these missions, Caterpie is the only one nowadays who has that effect on me. "But I don't have have any money..."

"Oh, no, no. We don't need a reward," Comet interrupts, waving her hands quickly. "We're happy to see that Metapod is back safe."

"..... Cool..." Caterpie sighs, eyes glowing. "You're even more cool than I thought! I want to go on rescues when I grow up!"

"Hahaha! That'd be awesome! Keep chasing that dream!" Comet laughs. "I have an idea! Aqua, we should do something with this place. We should make a proper Rescue Team Base here. Something impressive."

"That's cool! A Rescue Team Base is cool!" Caterpie chips in. "I want to work here when I grow up!"

"Me too! Me too!" Metapod agrees.

"Haha! That's what we'll do! Let's work hard and build our own Rescue Team Base!" I say, and all of us begin to laugh and cheer.

"Aqua and Comet, thank you again!" Metapod thanks us again.

"OK, bye! Be careful getting home," Comet says to the two as they leave. She then turns to me, looking exhausted. "Sigh... Well, we ended up working for free, but that was the right thing to do." She then perked up again. "And we got to show Gengar's team a thing or two, so it's all good!"

We sit for a while, casually talking. Baras had already left for the Friend Area, exhausted. Comet leaves to go back with Baras, while I go into the base. Another good day of rescuing, I hope it can stay like this.

Well, this isn't exactly it's own chapter, more like the last half of chapter 5. XD