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Acryli's Ultra Moon Nuzlocke

Forum-Index Diaries Acryli's Ultra Moon Nuzlocke
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 313
Posted: Thu, 07/02/2019 21:58 (5 Years ago)

Welcome to my very first Pokemon Nuzlocke!

╔═════ஓRules Of The Gameஓ═════╗
✦ If a pokemon faints, it is considered dead and must be released
✦ The first encounter in each route is the only pokemon that can be caught
Shinies do not apply to this rule
✦ Every pokemon receives a nickname

✦ Current Team✦
MachoMan- - lvl 23
✦Scratch✦Ember✦Fire Fang✦Double Kick✦
Otto- - lvl 21
✦Thunder Shock✦Charm✦Tail Whip✦Sweet Kiss✦
Zuko- - lvl 21
✦Fury Swipes✦Leer✦Feint Attack✦Fake Tears✦
Zephr- - lvl 21
✦Tackle✦Growl✦Sand Attack✦Headbutt✦
Cali- - lvl 16
✦Fairy Wind✦Astonish✦Fake Tears✦Bite✦
Smelly Boi - - lvl 11
✦Mud Slap✦Mud Sport✦Rototiller✦Bulldoze✦

✦ Casualties✦

I'll be updating in this first post and in separate posts as I go
Feel free to reply to this thread! Support is always great!
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 313
Posted: Thu, 07/02/2019 23:40 (5 Years ago)
Extra post in case I need it for nuzlocke m e m e s
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 313
Posted: Fri, 08/02/2019 04:30 (5 Years ago)
Oh my goddd I'm so upset, I wrote a whole nice pretty post with all my catches and everything but for some reason chrome decided to straight up DIE so session 1 looks like poopy :<
Here's what I've got so far, guess I'll write my posts sopeplace else before posting them now, LOL

Starter Encounter
MachoMan- - lvl 14
✦Scratch✦Ember✦Fire Fang✦Lick✦

Route 1 Encounter
Otto- - lvl 11
✦Thunder Shock✦Charm✦Tail Whip✦Sweet Kiss✦

Trainer School Encounter
Zuko- - lvl 13
✦Fury Swipes✦Leer✦Pursuit✦Fake Tears✦

Route 2 Encounter
Zephr- - lvl 10
✦Tackle✦Growl✦Sand Attack✦Baby-Doll Eyes✦

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 313
Posted: Sun, 10/02/2019 02:59 (5 Years ago)

Session 2

✧I wasn't writing notes while I played, but I defeated the first island, grinded mantine for a while to get some rare candies for my weaker few, grinded the grass and leftover trainers, and made it to route 4 before deciding for a break. No casualties, but the first kahuna battle nearly took out my Furfrou, so I'm going to have to do a lot more training prior to battles and have my team a good 7-10 levels ahead of the game.✧

MachoMan- - lvl 23
✦Scratch✦Ember✦Fire Fang✦Double Kick✦
Otto- - lvl 21
✦Thunder Shock✦Charm✦Tail Whip✦Sweet Kiss✦
Zuko- - lvl 13
✦Fury Swipes✦Leer✦Feint Attack✦Fake Tears✦
Zephr- - lvl 21
✦Tackle✦Growl✦Sand Attack✦Headbutt✦

10 Carat Hill Encounter
Cali- - lvl 16
✦Fairy Wind✦Astonish✦Fake Tears✦Bite✦

Route 4 Encounter
Smelly Boi - - lvl 11
✦Mud Slap✦Mud Sport✦Rototiller✦Bulldoze✦
