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Forum Thread

Acryli's Box/Key Shop[closed]

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Item Trades Acryli's Box/Key Shop[closed]
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 313
Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 00:51 (5 Years ago)

Heya, here's where I'll be posting the boxes/keys I have for sale! I also have a waitlist below for my offer of a large assortment of boxes/keys in return for several different valuable items, so be sure to check that out!

All of my boxes/keys are 10k each, except for gold or black boxes/keys, which are 15k/12k and 500k/50k respectively. My prices are also listed as regular boxes- special boxes/keys will be calculated upon odering.

Form for ordering boxes

[B]Acryli, I'd like some boxes/keys! [/b]
[B]How many Boxes/keys:[/b]
[B]How you'll be paying:[/b]

If you'd like to buy boxes/keys for a valuable item, please state so in your form and you'll be added to next in the list. The list will be set up as follows:
Quote from acrylicatuwu
[User]- 25/50
Show hidden content
×10 red boxes
×5 Brown keys
×7 purple boxes
×3 purple keys

[User]- 14/30

[User]- 0/50

If you have a preference on what color keys/boxes you want, let me know, but you must have at least 5 colors that do NOT include gold or black, this makes it easier and collecting much faster.

Valuables I'm looking for
Show hidden content

Star Pieces- 5 boxes/keys
Dragon Gems- 5 boxes/keys
Bottled Message- 5 boxes/keys
Griseous Orb- 8 boxes/keys
Spooky Manor Maps- 10 boxes/keys
Dark Orbs- 15 boxes/keys
Ultra Saddle- 30 boxes/keys
Mega Stone- 50 boxes/keys
New Moon Map- 50 boxes/keys
Red Lunar Wing- 55 boxes/keys

Current boxes/Keys
Show hidden content

Brown- x7x2
Dark Blue- x6x0
Gold- x1x1
Green- x8x1
Light blue- x2x0
Pink- x1x1
Purple- x4x0
Red- x6x1
Black- x0x0
