Forum Thread
Random Ranch Fanfiction
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanfictions → Random Ranch FanfictionCharachters:
The main charachters are divided into team 1 and team 2

Team 1:
Lucas the Lucario- He is always acting goofy and loves his dear friend Meema The Zoroark. He is usually friendly but has a rivalry with Sharp the Bisharp.
Meema The Zoroark- She is strict and always following rules despite that she loves her dear friend Lucas the Lucario. she is also good friends with Elizabeth the Sceptile.
Sharp the Bisharp- He is always easily angered and he enjoys spending time with Elizabeth the Sceptile. He always acts like a lone wolf but has a rivalry with Lucas the Lucario.
Elizabeth the Sceptile- She loves to Jump from tree to tree and She enjoys spending time with Sharp the Bisharp. She does not like being bothered and is good friends with Meema The Zoroark.
Posiedon The Floatzel- He is always relaxed and always enjoys Hanging out with Dark Hunter. He likes being the strongest. He enjoys being near water.
Dark Hunter the Darkrai- He is always the groups Brains and knows pretty much every strategy and enjoys hanging out with Posiedon. He enjoys being the smartest. He enjoys being in dark places.
Lucas the Lucario- He is always acting goofy and loves his dear friend Meema The Zoroark. He is usually friendly but has a rivalry with Sharp the Bisharp.
Meema The Zoroark- She is strict and always following rules despite that she loves her dear friend Lucas the Lucario. she is also good friends with Elizabeth the Sceptile.
Sharp the Bisharp- He is always easily angered and he enjoys spending time with Elizabeth the Sceptile. He always acts like a lone wolf but has a rivalry with Lucas the Lucario.
Elizabeth the Sceptile- She loves to Jump from tree to tree and She enjoys spending time with Sharp the Bisharp. She does not like being bothered and is good friends with Meema The Zoroark.
Posiedon The Floatzel- He is always relaxed and always enjoys Hanging out with Dark Hunter. He likes being the strongest. He enjoys being near water.
Dark Hunter the Darkrai- He is always the groups Brains and knows pretty much every strategy and enjoys hanging out with Posiedon. He enjoys being the smartest. He enjoys being in dark places.
(team 2 is gonna be continued in the next post)
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Flame the Charizard- He is Bossy But
considerate He has a love hate relationship with Glacia the Glaceon
but his side is hate. He is usually Angry but once you get to know
him. He is usually found flying around the skies
Glacia The Glaceon- She is always Joyfull but at somewhat anoying point but still a good and strong pokemon. She has a Love hate relationship with Flame the Charizard Her side is Love. She is very nice after you get through the anoying part. She is usually found trying to impress Flame The Charizard.
Royal The Serperior- He is strict yet Gifted with the ability of contrary and is good friends with Leonardo the Greninja.He is usually training but rests often. He enjoys training with Leonardo the Greninja.
Leonardo the Greninja- He is always relaxed but smart he is the brains of the team 2 he is good friends with Royal The Serperior.He enjoys relaxing But still trains.He enjoys training with Royal The Serperior.
Hound the Houndoom- She is always a lone wolf and and intends to talk to no one. she is always found howling on top of the cliff.
Terry the Tyrunt- He is always myterious but enjoys hanging out with Hound He is always found silently near either Hound or Aura.
Glacia The Glaceon- She is always Joyfull but at somewhat anoying point but still a good and strong pokemon. She has a Love hate relationship with Flame the Charizard Her side is Love. She is very nice after you get through the anoying part. She is usually found trying to impress Flame The Charizard.
Royal The Serperior- He is strict yet Gifted with the ability of contrary and is good friends with Leonardo the Greninja.He is usually training but rests often. He enjoys training with Leonardo the Greninja.
Leonardo the Greninja- He is always relaxed but smart he is the brains of the team 2 he is good friends with Royal The Serperior.He enjoys relaxing But still trains.He enjoys training with Royal The Serperior.
Hound the Houndoom- She is always a lone wolf and and intends to talk to no one. she is always found howling on top of the cliff.
Terry the Tyrunt- He is always myterious but enjoys hanging out with Hound He is always found silently near either Hound or Aura.
And Of course the owner of the Ranch:

Hometown: Shalour city in Kalos region
Appearance:long Blue hair pale skin and Red eye color she wears a yellow shirt with black Pants
Gender: Female
Relatives:Gurrkin grandfather and Korrina older sister(she is 15)
Key Items: Rumble badge(from her older sister korrina),cookies(for her pokemon) Masterball(for a yveltal) and a pokedex
Location: Somewhere in Hoenn
Description:She is korrina's younger sister she received a riolu from her which she named Lucas. She decides to stay in hoenn and build a ranch.
Note: No Korrina does not have a sister. and her age is unknown i just put it as 15.
Hometown: Shalour city in Kalos region
Appearance:long Blue hair pale skin and Red eye color she wears a yellow shirt with black Pants

Gender: Female
Relatives:Gurrkin grandfather and Korrina older sister(she is 15)
Key Items: Rumble badge(from her older sister korrina),cookies(for her pokemon) Masterball(for a yveltal) and a pokedex
Location: Somewhere in Hoenn
Description:She is korrina's younger sister she received a riolu from her which she named Lucas. She decides to stay in hoenn and build a ranch.
Note: No Korrina does not have a sister. and her age is unknown i just put it as 15.

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