The hooded man wasn't surprised. He calmly responded 'It's only a
record and a small hope. You guys take it or leave it. Nobody knows
what it is, but if you are interested, you will need supplies,
which are kept in rooms behind me. And looks like it's my time to
go!' and disappeared
Navneet was taken back. He moved a few steps backward and finally
exclaimed - "This is just getting more ridiculous. And talk about
having really bad timing."
“I will help but only because I have nothing else to do And I do
get bored easily i’ll be completely honest I do hope it’s fake I
like it the way it is here it’s quiet no one is annoying me
anymore” fynn said
"Hilariously enough," Weaz stood still in the doorway, looking at
the ground, "I'd be down for an adventure. Given the fact we're
chasing a myth from a ghost." He turned around, doing a neat
hand-trick with his knife, sliding it into his pocket. "Well, what
are we waiting for? Gear up!"
'Tch' Navneet uttered at the unknown dude's statement of gearing
up. "Who made him the leader?" Navneet muttered under his breathe
as he entered the room.
The room was filled with stuff. There were Daggers, a lot of
them. There was a huge supply of food and bottled water along with
a few clothes. There were hazmat suits and gas masks. Best of all,
there were guns. A lot of guns. 'Where did all these supplies come
from when the world is in this state?' Navneet said, as he walked
into present paradise
"Nah, you see here this is a new beginning, a new adventure, and a
new time to finish a mission we have started." Hernia says and then
smirks, while walking into the room full of weapons. "This
definitely is going to be fun.
Navneet, still stunned by the number of supplies in the room, was
touching a few ammunition. There were 3 types of guns. A long-range
sniper, a short-range shotgun and a pistol.
"Maybe that weirdo ghost was right after all" He said and turned to
face the others. "We working together or what?"
“Nah, I’m gonna betray y’all at first chance just out of spite,”
Zion smiled wildly. She tried to settle her face into one of icy
coolness, but the sides of her mouth twitched up into a small
smile. That smile melts into a fit of giggles that morphs into a
cacophony of outrageous laughs.
"I want the Sniper Rifle. I can sneak around like it's nobody's
business." Weaz stepped up to one of the weapon shelves, grabbing a
pistol. "Sidearms are nice too. In case things get dicey." He
looked at the crew, "I'll be your scout, your eyes and ears." A
smirk of pure confidence formed on the left side of his face.
“This is pathetic. Time travel is a myth” Nico said to himself as
he looked at all of them. He was leaning on the wall. He wasn’t
exactly a team type of guy.
"Just stop being boring and have some belief." Hernia says while
looking at Nico. "You don't know what could happen if you don't
try." Hernia then smiles.
Weaz looked at Anastasia and chuckled, "Well, I would say ask that
insurgent camp that I wiped out quietly but uh.." He grabbed a
pouch and loaded it with ammo, and an extra sharpening stone. "Heh,
you do the math." Weaz took out his knife and bumped the handle of
it against his forehead, looking toward the ceiling, "Actually, I
think I had a bit of help with that mission.." He shrugged.
“Like I said earlier, way, way Emo.” Zion snorts, pointing at Weaz.
“Missions? Camps? Math? Totally trying way too hard to be
She suddenly jumps into a power pose, her hands on her hips and
feet set far apart. “Embrace your inherent nerdiness! Go full dork!
RAGE TO THE SKY ABOUT YOUR GEEK STUFF!” Zion points to herself
rather smugly, “It worked for me!”
Navneet ignored the pointless chatter. He grabbed a shotgun and a
bag, filled it with food and water, which should relatively last 2
weeks, considering the food doesn't get spoilt. "Can this get
rancid?" he asked himself as he filled. He sneakily kept a dagger
in his pockets and a sidearm in his bag. He didn't trust anyone
yet. He didn't even know their names.
Weaz snickered, looking at Zion, but then he lets out a sigh of
relief, "Guess nothing's really changed, huh?" He paced around the
room, looking for a map, if there even was one. "It was only two
days after things started going south that I decided to go out and
fight on my own. Two weeks of being on the road and thinking I was
the last person alive and all of a sudden I saw this little camp.
These guys were armed to the teeth, I guess they happened to see
someone, or a group of someones, trespassing and started to engage.
At first I decided to stay out of it," he rummages through some of
the filing cabinets in the room, "I guess I just couldn't help
myself. I slipped into the camp, with all the commotion going on it
was my time to strike." He pulls out a stack of papers and skims
across them, then tosses them to the floor. "I guess I'm glad I
didn't have a choice in going to military camp. If I hadn't I
certainly wouldn't be here.