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Ol' Tales of The Living Dead -Diary-

Forum-Index Diaries Ol' Tales of The Living Dead -Diary-
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 27/08/2018 17:06 (6 Years ago)
This Diary is a bunch of mini-stories you can read and enjoy!

Warning: None of these stories are meant to target people or hurt people. Stories may contain gore, and violent parts, information about the story will be near it to read before you begin reading thanks!

Please Note: Violent parts too me are detailed deaths saying every detail, every blood splotch.

With that out of the way go on reading!

All stories are made up and are not real events that will happen.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 27/08/2018 19:01 (6 Years ago)

Title: The Falling Meteor

Info on the story:
The Falling Meteor story is a story about four men and one women who try to stop a life threatening meteor from colliding with earth. Will they succeed?

Is There Death In The Story? Yes
Is There Violent Parts In The Story? No
Will The Story Contain Very Little Detail On Death? Yes
Is There Blood In This Story? Yes

Now With That Settled, Click The Spoiler To Begin Reading

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The Falling Meteor:

Treq woke up to the sound of his alarm clock beeping in his ear. He turned it off and looked at the time. 8:45 AM. Treq slowly got out of bed trying to not wake his girlfriend, Tasha up. He opened his door and walked into the hallway. He walked down the stairs into the kitchen and began to make himself a coffee. His roommate Dill came into the kitchen.
Jake: Awake now eh?
Treq turned around, and saw Dill standing at the entrance, smiling.
Treq: Yeah I am
Dill: Is Tasha up yet?
Treq: Do you see her?
Treq turned back around and grabbed the cup of coffee. He walked to the couch in the living room and sat down. He turned on the TV to the news channel.
Dill: You know you didn't pay you share of the rent.
Treq ingored Dill and turned the volume up to 30. He watched the news for a good half hour before a warning message flashed on the TV.
Dill: What's that?
Treq: Umm, take shelter quickly, a life-threatning meteor is going to collide with earth in three days.
Dill: Ha! Nice joke man, nice joke.
Treq gets off the couch and runs upstairs. He goes into his room and stands next to Tasha.
Treq: Tasha, we need to go, ill explain everything while we are leaving. Tasha looks up at Treq.
Tasha: Oh Treq, I'm tired!
Treq: Get up now.
Tasha gets up and follows Treq to his truck.
Dill: Where are you going?
Treq: That's not a joke, I'm finding shelter.
Dill: Let me in.
Treq: Get in quick.
Dill gets in and closes the truck door. Treq pulls out of the drive way and turns onto the road. Treq starts driving over the speed limit. Treq slows the truck down and looks up the road. Treq watch's a man stop a car and steal it. The guy pulls away leaving the other guy behind. Treq drives to him and rolls down the window.
Treq: Get in.
The man climbs in. Treq starts driving again.
Treq: What's your name?
???: My name, is Ray.
Dill: Nice name, mines Dill, and that's Treq and Tasha.
Ray: Thanks for picking me up, that man that stole my car is my friend, his names Gary.
Treq: Do you know anywhere where we can get shelter?
Ray: Uhh, I was heading to the military, they're letting people go in there.
Treq: Is it a limit?
Ray: Yes, only 310 people can go in.
Treq starts going faster. Sixteen minutes later, Treq pulls into the military. The gates were open so they walked in.
Ray: There's nobody here, why?
Treq finds a suitcase with a note.
Ray: What does it say?
Treq: We evacuated already, if you could, drive the helicopter to us, Mill St.
Treq looks up and see's a helicopter.
Dill: Well, let's go.
Everyone get's into the helicopter.
???: Wait!
Treq looks out the window, and see's a man running towards them.
Ray: That's the man!
Treq: What man?
Ray: Gary! The one who stole my car.
The man reaches the helicopter he get's in.
???: My names Gary.
Gary puts his hand out. Treq shakes it.
Treq: I'm Treq, and this is Tasha and Dill, say, did you steal a car from someone?
Gary: What? How do you know this?
Treq starts flying the helicopter.
Gary: I asked you a question.
Treq: And I ingored it. Do you know a man named Ray?
Gary: No.
Ray looks at him from the co piolets seat.
Gary: Ray?
Ray: Why did you abandon me? Just leave me there to die.
Gary: Because I wanted to.
Ray runs and push's him against the back.
Ray: Dill, open the door!
Dill opens the helicopter doors.
Treq: Hey! I can't drive like this.
Ray pulls Gary, and then push's him out the door.
Ray watch's him fall, and hit the ground.
Treq: Why did you do that?
Ray: He needed to die.
Treq looses controll of the helicopter. The helicopter starts to spin.
Treq: Hold on!
The helicopter hits the ground.
Tasha: Where's Treq?
???: Be quiet.
Treq crawls out of all the rubble. He see's Gary, covered in blood, holding a shard of glass to Tashas throught.
Gary: Where is he?
Treq: Who?
Gary: Ray.
Treq looks around, he realizes that Dill and Ray aren't here.
Treq: Where's Dill?
Gary points to the ground. Treq walks to where he pointed and see's Dill's body.
Treq: What did he haft to do with you and Ray?
Gary: He opened the doors for him.
Treq: I will help you find him, just let go of Tasha.
Gary let's go. Tasha runs to him.
Treq: Tasha, run!
Tasha starts to run. Gary tackles Treq. Treq kicks him off, and gets up. Gary runs at him again. Treq push's him back... onto the rubble.
Gary: Ahhg! You... made a... mistake... Ray is....
Gary closes his eyes. Treq realizes he pushed him onto a piece of rubble pointing up.
Treq: Tasha, come back.
No response. Treq looks to where she ran. There was a man standing there, Tasha no where to be seen.
Treq: Hello?
???: Hey! It's me, Ray!
Ray run's to Treq.
Treq: Where's Tasha?
Ray: She died in the crash.
Treq looks down, and see's Ray's hands were covered in blood.
Treq looks back up at Ray.
Treq: You killed her...
Ray: No! I killed Gary, he was still alive.
Treq: No! You killed her! You probobly killed Dill also!
Ray turns around and starts walking away.
Treq: Where are you going? We need to stop this meteor!
Ray turns back around.
Ray: No... you need t-.
Ray falls to the ground. Standing behind him was Tasha. A metal poll in was in his back. Tasha also falls to the ground.
Treq: Tasha!
Treq run's to Tasha.
Tasha: The meteor isn't coming in three days...
Tasha closes her eyes.
Treq: Tasha? No...
The atmosphere soon changes quickly. Treq looks up at a big meteor coming to earth. He sits down, and waits for his time to die. The earth shakes and buildings start to catch fire. Treq stands up and looks into the distance. He see's the meteor explosion head right for him. Then it hits him.

The End