Forum Thread
Silver and Shaifty Rp
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Silver and Shaifty RpThe Eevee notices her, crawling out of the box. "Momo? What you..."
"Worried. That Mommy?"
The Flareon, his mother, stares at the Eevees with ice blue eyes. "Who's there? Stellar?"
"Friends from the park, ma'am. I'm Momo, and this is my cousin Chiffon. You're his mother?"
"Yes. You can call me Blaze. Why are you here?"
"Are you blind, ma'am?"
"As I'll ever be, dear. But I get around just fine. Now, why are you here?"
"As said before, we met Stellar at the park. We were worried, so we followed him to make sure he got home safely."
"That's very sweet of you both. I'll have to make it up to you. Sometime, at least..." The Flareon sighs. "I suppose you're both worried about our living state. I can assure you my son and I are fine. He goes to bushes to get food. What money we had went towards getting myself a Fire Stone to keep warm. Poor Stellar wasn't even born back then..." She sniffs, then turns to Stellar. "He wants to be a Jolteon sometime, and I fully intend to acquire a Thunder Stone."
"Well, I was born blind. I wasn't very rich, but definitely not like this. After a while, my parents both decided to kick me out. They'd had enough of my supposed lounging around and ditziness. When I lived on the streets, something happened. I acquired money by... I don't remember what, but it was to buy a Fire Stone, like I said before. I named my son Stellar, because he was the only good thing in my life. He was such a sweet thing, always willing to help gather food. I figured he deserved a break, give him a chance to play. And that's how he met you." Blaze smiles. "Also, my parents named me Blaze. Short for Blaze of Glory. I don't know why they didn't just call me Glory."
Stellar's eyes widen. "Thunder Stone!" He takes it and is covered in bright light. When it fades, a green Jolteon is in front of Momo and Chiffon. "Thank! Thank much!" He bounces in front of them.
"Silver, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Blaze of Glory, but you can call me Blaze. The Jolteon is my son, Stellar. Your son said we might be able to stay a bit? Just came off the streets, you see..."
"Oh, dear. I think we have an extra room. Momo, would you go check upstairs for me?"
Momo nods and runs up the stairs.