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Forum Thread

Should i leave?

Forum-Index Discussion Should i leave?
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 138
Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 07:10 (6 Years ago)
Sorry for bringing this up, but... I sometimes feel like i am annoying. My threads are practically dead. I have recently recovered from several emotional problems.. But, should i leave?

Audi famam illius.
Solus in hostes ruit
et patriam servavit.
Audi famam illius.
Cucurrit quaeque tetigit destruens.
Audi famam illius.
Audi famam illius.
Spes omnibus, mihi quoque.
Terror omnibus, mihi quoque.
iuxta me.
Ille iuxta me.
Socii sunt mihi,
qui olim viri fortes
rivalesque erant.
Saeve certando pugnandoque
splendor crescit.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 205
Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 15:28 (6 Years ago)
I may not know you that well, but I think you’re nice. You are not annoying. Most forums are dead as well, for whatever reason.
I really don’t want to manipulate your decision, because it should be yours, not mine.
But to be honest with you. If you want to keep going and collect all of ehat you’re missing, continue exploring, and meet more possible friends, then go ahead. Everyone is welcome here, so you aren’t excluded in this place.
I hope I have lifted some thoughts from your mind.
You are not annoying. Not at all.
If you need more time to recover from any problems, then take that time.
If you want to come back, then do it. As long as it is YOUR decision, and if you feel like you can enjoy most of things here.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 138
Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 18:14 (6 Years ago)
Understood. It's not manipulating, i specifically asked everyone, since i cannot decide if i'm annoying or not.
Audi famam illius.
Solus in hostes ruit
et patriam servavit.
Audi famam illius.
Cucurrit quaeque tetigit destruens.
Audi famam illius.
Audi famam illius.
Spes omnibus, mihi quoque.
Terror omnibus, mihi quoque.
iuxta me.
Ille iuxta me.
Socii sunt mihi,
qui olim viri fortes
rivalesque erant.
Saeve certando pugnandoque
splendor crescit.